Just adding my own to the mix. I'm getting data anywhere from 30 second a megabyte to 1 minute a megabyte. Launcher as now says Patched "55.3MB / 436MB Received 32.1MB - 12%" I figure if this rate continues, I've got about a 4 to 5 hour wait.
and the free respec tokens stack on top of the 1 respec we got from the founders pack, correct? That is, if I use the free one on all my chars, I'll still have the 1 token extra I have not yet used from the founder pack to use on any character?
What seems to be even worse, looking at the contents, it's not just my combat -- it's every combat event near me as well. I'm not sure to what distance, I haven't played around with it that much, but I put a tail on the log file and just stood near a campfire and watched line after line stream in as people wandered by. I…
Try just simply Button5. I have Button5 bound to "+up" to jump and Button4 bound to "InteractAndLoot" (normally F in game) and those correspond to the 2 thumb buttons on my mouse. The extra buttons on the mouse and how they are recognized by the system is usually controlled by your mouse driver. So you might check there,…
Also be very careful of that button when you do have enough for it to be active. There is no confirmation box. It doesn't ask "are you sure you want to spend the AD for this?", it just does it. I found this out by accident by being distracted and hitting the wrong button and I'm out 10kish AD. My own fault, but it was an…
I understand it well enough to know that banning solely on the IP is not smart, which was the base of my comment. Even if it took a few months it to change will catch someone one innocent (maybe) for no good reason, when anyone truly determined to get around a ban is going to do so with relatively little problem. Lastly, I…
There's also somethings called dynamically assigned IP Addresses and DHCP. Obviously you have never heard of them, or you are suggesting a full domain bans? Let's not let anyone from Verizon play! Any sort of ban is problematic to implement, but IP Bans have way too much potential for innocents to be caught in collateral…
Who's saying I haven't. Well, Not those things but other things. Among them I've gone grocery shopping. I've cooked and eaten dinner and cleaned the kitchen up. I've made a snack in there too and enjoyed it. I have gotten caught up on Dr Who (had 2 episodes waiting, the midseason finale...wow! :) I have also done a load of…