The moument i get time to play it after so long time theres maintenance :D Oh wel, lets hope for some good new zen offers and the removeing of some of the latest bugs ^^
Nice to have a new content to play. Love the new pressions, hate that TR's PWE and PVP builds are now tottaly messed up but wel will be fun i quess -.-And oehh, prices will go up in AH :/
Nah you wont disconnect, try'd on 32-bit XP and had no problems for quite a while, you just have to play without msn/skype, browsers and so on. But prbly 3 years or older PC's will have problems. Storms and stuff like that only make you lose internet sometimes, which ain't that bad actually ;) Theres always some competing…
Code is too long and result is surely slower. Perfect world etc who running this all have done some great job makeing a good game.. theres so meny people playing that codeing wont make the game eny faster. They could add more servers to hold more people and make game faster through that, complaining that their codeing is…
First and 3rd are the same and second maps is just powerful google made map where you can search different places. For normal searching use first or 3rd one, nohting needs to be removed :)
Only used ADE twice as i needed something, never bought enything from AH.. tried once but was kinda waste of D's, more checking AH for item names. So hopefully no wrong person roll backs!
Tried to make a Neverwinter signature.. it kinda had good result but theres not meny pictures around, prbly will start doing some screenshots and upload them.. Remamber this guy?
Could someone tell me how long server has been down already? So i know when to check again, not all of us are from US and im not sure whats the time difference with gmt 0. Thx for fine patch updates :)
Make a warning in game that says maintenace comeing in 30 minutes or something!!!, not everyone reads forums... soloing foundary maps is hard and now have to start that **** part again jeeeez...........