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  • I have the same problem as you, only that my wife got the pack and I havent, and its now been over 72 hours!
  • It have completely messed up my ranger as split shot was the only real good ability I had plus I specced my character to that, as I only play one character in this game, I might aswell just quit playing all together.
    in HR in mod 3. Comment by kargool May 2014
  • No, it is apperantly also if you have used zen before.
  • Also, I would like to point out that not everyone has time to play two characters or the want to do so, and this new artifact quest is limiting people who only play one character a lot, which is unfortunate.
  • Split Shot damage has been reduced by about 25%. Why has this been implemented? Rangers are allready somewhat weak and the new pathfinder paragon does not really improve on the ranger.