the ad inflation is not comming from leadership, its from the 3rd party seller sites, where ppl can buy cheap ad. Also prices at zen store is way to high for ppl to want to buy zen, i do know that many buy zen, but most buy cheap ad....
This is just another failed fix attempt, every new ton ive made have had Mulhorrand gear, and now we can use xvim gear as well. Restricting new players is really not good in my optics, we need them in the game. Maybe do as suggested, look in chat for the spammers and ban them, it might help abit, but in current state of…
if you use steam it will usually show how much zen you will get, the other day when i tried to buy some zen for some respecs i couldnt buy through steam for some reason. I tried to order through PWE webpage, which i find very confusing to use compare to steam. I tried to order 20€ worth of zen and after order it said ive…
Sweet... 56 c. wards up for sale when server back live xD sad for new players though.... as if prices wasnt ridiculous already, sadly i think many players will quit because of this. at least those with a descent amount of normal life.