I am no expert..... but i think that everything from beta gets wiped and everyone starts on a level playing field when the game goes live. Granted those who are in beta will have the experience and will have an advantage, but I do not think anyone in these forums is actually playing in a closed beta yet. I could be wrong…
Played on Thelanis. Started with Headstart (between Beta and Mass release) and played until about 9 months ago. Quit to be more active met my weight loss goal and am thinking about playing again if I can keep a balance and not gain a bunch of weight back. DDO was getting to be a grind and I did not feel like going back and…
I did not read all the posts and this may have been mentioned. I know I saw DDO style active combat which it looks like this game will have. I would like the ability to use a controller like an Xbox 360 controller and map my buttons, this was a big plus for me in DDO.