Switching something to account bound through re-coding cant be rocket science. as a matter of fact its been done overnight for alot of things. I probably have a collective 50 million worth of grind put into my characters. Did you think I just strolled in here and said, excuse me. But im lazy, please help. I spent 10$ to…
Thats highly disappointing that grinding out boons, over and over and over on new characters represents how difficult those new high level tree's are, granted. It takes 13 days for your first character to enter IWD. then 35 days of that to get the last boon from there. Even so, 13 Days to grind to get to IWD on the first…
No Im referring to the guy saying Shand boons are the only hard part of boons. Its currently 1 mil to buy your way out of IWD and 3-4mil to buy your way out of DR. Then months of grinding out Shand, or month if you play NW daily like a few but small portion of the community actually do. That is per character.
Yea most of the people who will be against this only have 3-4 Characters, I have many and grinding these are not possible on the scale required to also gear those characters out.
Grinding to level 60 without R8 or higher Azure, on a casual grind takes up to a week. Thats not bad, but at the same time most people look at a month or two months grind for gear, then 3-4 months grind for enchants and 3-4 months grind for Artifacts, why should boons be that difficult. So many other things require…
So in order to buy your way out of boon trees your looking at millions of AD, please don't make it sound so simple lol....... Not all of us can play this game 13 hours a day.
Yea I mean, You will still have to be level 60, and you can only effectively focus grinding out one Character at a time, or focus on two/three at a time. or One by One. The point is you get to choose rather than being FORCED to grind out every single character at a time.
So what do you do after you hit level 60? Sit around and farm dungeons for drops to sell? Or do you man up and test your gamer skill against others? Im kind of confused as to what you think makes a game good....... Every game, and I mean EVERY GAME has to have an element of balanced PvP to keep end gamer's interested in…
Actually the Root applies to anyone hitting this player and does not possess and internal cool down so watching 15 people who cant catch one guy is kind of ridiculous.
So just fought an undergeared GWF in Icewind Dale open pvp. He had some of the worst gear I've ever seen on a GWF yet he came close to beating me as I was rooted 90% of the fight. After the fight I said am I lagging what just happened. Am I really that bad that he almost beat me, what could I do to prevent it the next…
Current runs, Remorhaz X32 Raid the Raiders X17 Black Ice Domination X54 Beholder X26 Prospector's Attack X17 Drops, Elk Tribe Blades Elk Tribe Shield X6 Crafting Materials (Epic) Countless Green/Blue Crafting Materials. Yea.....Looking for a new game to play. Probably wont be an Arc game. Ever. Again.
Hahaha Lisa, so true. Mouz is one of the nicest HR's Ive met and he will more than willingly sit down with you Inspect you and tell you what you are doing wrong.
The GPF ticks only once with the new paragon path. Its not unlimited nor is it overpowered in any sense considering you are a TR and can stand in stealth and Bilethorn someone to death. Its a matter of utility with Thornward, So I suggest just standing off point and killing them.
I dont think it matter much anyways with them bringing a nerf to the damage of Careful Attack. Also with the Nerf's and Changes coming to the HR's set bonuses we will for the first time have lackluster gear loadouts. I, like many players out there will probably be looking for a game with balanced PvP very soon.
I have been absolutely destroying Hr's running GPF at the moment and few rarely drop me below 50% Hp. Its additional tick of one careful attack doesn't make a difference unless your standing in Thornward. Which makes you bad anyways. Even then the P-vorp, is the same damage with high critical chance which all Melee HR's…
I run with nothing but Pre-mades with a guild. Usually with 1-2 GWF and A Devoted Cleric. Tanking nodes should be left to GWF and TR's IMO. But very valid point for PUG and low geared HR's. My ELO rarely allows undergeared groups.
The fact it took me no time at all to figure out FotM, meant Flavor of the month means I haven't drunk enough beer tonight. Thank you for pointing that out. One love.
The problem right now is Im guessing Black Ice Domination still being bugged is affecting the PvE and PvP In Icewind by not allowing the T3 Encounters to Spawn. Hoping they fix that soon.
I did not report anyone, Just wondering if its something that should be. I probably will never report anyone for anything. Sorry your class got nerfed into the floor. In My opinion TR;s should have Super hard hitting skills with long cooldowns. Forcing you to utilize stealth and harass other players down to a burstable…
Its just the normal hahaha win button fails rotating through classes. I PvP a lot but when I see troll comps I just sit in spawn and dont give them the option to kill me. As you already know ofc as you came on my thread telling me to suck it up and quit crying about THIS SAME TOPIC. I wont insult you here because I dont…
If anything makes PvP toxic its 3 GWF troll comps ran by the "Best pvp" guilds all because they dont want to loose to a guild like <<Names removed>>. I mean deep down inside when you run a troll comp you know how cheap and pathetic group focusing that many prones are. No skill, No tactics, Mindless button mashing and silly…