I like the lootsplosions, and it takes what.... all of 5 seconds to run around and pick it up? I agree that it could be fixed as to where it drops though. Perhaps have them launch themselves vaguely in the player's general direction, a la Little Big Adventure style? :)
Don't worry about them, Jovana. Download the game. Have a go. I personally am enjoying the PvE aspect immensely, and I haven't enjoyed an MMO in a number of years. Just stay away from the forums, they're full of these sorts of people :P
People are whinging every MINUTE on the forums. The only way the devs could keep up would be if they had people employed 24/7 to provide feedback. Whether they can afford this or not, I don't know. My opinion is the forum needs to be further divided into sub forums with stickied topics relating to key issues so that they…
I actually agree with this, but they aren't the first company to do it this way either. However, I am sure that if drastic action were taken to rebalance the economy that accounts that have been financially supportive are not going to lose what has been paid for. In fact, I'd suggest rebalancing the economy might be a good…
I concur. I actually like being involved in alpha and beta testing (this isn't the first time). It's nice being able to help out where possible. There is absolutely no reason for people to be so rude about it. My whole approach to the gameplay (as a CW) has been to try out basically every skill to see how it works and how…
The game is still in beta. This means it is still under development and being tested - so there is no reason at all to behave as though it is a fully released game that has been left full of bugs and imbalances. The whole point in a public beta is to garner feedback about what needs doing on a larger scale than alpha…
What? Complaining on a FREE forum about something you get for FREE so that you may waste your FREE TIME means you have NO RIGHT to whine about something that is provided you for FREE. Do you not get the point? Or are you the sort of person who whines about what colour a Christmas present is, too?
After seeing all the posts like this that people make, it's a good thing I'm not a developer. I'd tell everyone where to go, close down all the servers and go get a job doing something with less childish whining. Or maybe I'd go work for Bethesda where maintenance cycles end as soon as the next game is being developed :P…
There is nothing wrong about making suggestions that may be looked at in the future. For all we know they have separate teams working on the different classes, in which case our comments are likely to be taken note of immediately.
I have to agree about the At Will powers. There really doesn't seem to be any point in using anything except Magic Arrow and Frost Ray (is that the name?) as the higher level powers don't actually seem to be as powerful (although area of effect of the sudden storm At-will is good). For the sake of experimentation I'm…