> @vordraxian said: > Hello. Beta player here. I've got some general and specific comments. > Several years ago you killed a whole bunch of the dungeons. That went over like a lead balloon. > Remember Call to Arms? Those were fun. Gone. Worse yet. They killed it but didn't remove references to it or hints of it or even a…
> @"chaderickrax#3780" said: > The ones you're keeping - especially Whispering Caverns and Vellosk - are among the least visually appealing, the weakest in terms of overall narrative, and the most combat intensive. It genuinely feels like your true motivations are far removed from those you list. I happen to enjoy the calm…
> @"emese#4731" said: > Seriously DO YOU EVER PLAYED THIS GAME????? I am so furious at the moment about these hamsters you do over and over, You removing Skyhold and Mount Hotenow????? The most valuable explorer maps area for crafting resources. You already removed the Sharandar and pretty much trolled every new guild by…