Well hell here it is the 3rd and i was hoping to hear some good news about the new weekly update had fix some of these problems. But i see i was mistaken, i haven't played seen mod 16 for PC was installed, but i have been checking the form to see what was happening. Nothing that figures, I take it Cryptic doesn't care.…
Ok mod 16,i was looking foreword to this, but the first thing that i found was my weapon was now item lvl 1,so i had to spend gold, AD and Refining points so that i could build enough weapon, not happy. Now my main char is an SW, i've been playing an SW for a long time and i was never down with the thought of being a…
You all make valid points but my main char has 6 lvl 25 crafting and 2 master and I have been crafting and selling things on the AH for a long time. So I didn't make this post frivolously what I'm saying is, awhile back they talked about changing items around so that things like twisted weapons, and drow armor weren't the…