another excuse. plz stop. its not my fault you are running a GPF. for the sake of this thread, im just gona end it with this lol. But if u still wanna do some dungeon runs. The mailbox is there. id be happy to disprove your theories otherwise. Have fun =)
exactly, u have no idea how a max out cw plays. so please stop like your the know all-be all. 8.3k power and combat advantage > 12k power... pleaseee, stop dreaming lol
oh really? very long shot? lol do u have 8k power ryt now? im pretti sure u have lanterns already. we can do a run together, any dungeon, your pick. we cud do a CN, since thats where cw's shine the most. look man, i have nothing against you, but most of the stuff you are saying is garbage. lol. Have u even tried a max out…
6 seconds of buff for everyone? what are u going to buff when everything around you is dead from 1 OF? boss fights maybe? which represents 5pct of a dungeon run. Theres a reason why 99pct of the BiS pve/pvp uses legendary dc artifact. Most of us have tried every artifact out there at legendary, and nothing compares to the…
its not OP, its just more efficient in dishing out dps. the thing with dc artifact is, BiS cw's already have balanced stats. (cw's can easily hit soft caps in offensive stats without even trying) So the only thing that matters is the power stat from the DC artifact (the def stat isnt that bad either). Considering all…
No idea if this is a troll statement or what. LOL if you are a BiS cw. u only need 1 350armor pen from an artifact. and thats where the GWF artifact comes into play. stacking another lantern is just a waste, coz u will be over 24pct mitigation.
1vs1 its a 50/50. Pray that u can time your dodges and be lucky with deflect procs. Having DC artifact even at blue-purple quality helps a lot. In domination, dont rush in and be the first one on the frontlines, stay back and let the enemy cw unload their rotation on sumone. after that, its easy pickings.
its a good idea to turn moonstone mask into some sort of event merchants. But everyone shud know by now that maint always happens on thursdays, regardless of events. Nothing surprising about that.
unplayable since last night. usually have around 40ppl on friends list playing at this time... and guess what... theres no one online cuz of the lag. NADA. 25-50pct? more like 99pct
the only ones getting affected by this nerf are mid tier cw's. the high GS/top tier ones still kill most classes in 1 rotation. personally i dont even know why they have to nerf this chill stacking thing. Might as well take out the Control in Control Wizard. GWF's have been rolling cw's with just pressing TAB. And, lets…
PvE-wise GwF is ok, barely die and still do decent damage. CW/SW are the flavor of the month ryt now. CW has been so for 2modules (both having massive aoe dps) (CW has highest single target dps ryt now so CW's have best of both worlds.) HR is good to have, also nice dps. kinda annoying if they go first and use split shot,…
it added 600gs for me at legendary on my cw. using corrupt black ice set prior to upgrading artifact. and yes the damage increase is significantly noticable
yes get it. for cw's it is the premiere pet. our cd's are so low, it procs all the time. dont buy the purple ones on AH though, unless youre lazy :P the green ones are still cheaper to upgrade
its gona get worse for everyone complaining bout CW chill stacks, cuz 1 of the legendary weapons for cw makes chill stacking even faster. 2x faster than before.
Just use fire archon on boss fights. Trash mobs die too fast for archon's passive to be useful. wild hunt rider is a good option too. I just recently started using it, and it activates a lot due to our constant low cd cooldowns on our cw abilities.
for pve... no. unless you are in a guild that runs dungeons, then im pretti sure they wont mind having a GF in group. Everyone just wants a dps nowadays. for pvp... imo GF's is still useful. Having a skilled GF can troll a gwf long enuff.
debuff with WMS, Lantern, Then unload everything including crescendo with a decent team = phase 2 valindra :P but both are good if you learn how to use it PVE wise. i go back and forth between IV/SM when i get bored with 1 setup. =D
U need the gold to buy the best potions in game which costs around 25gold a stack. Get a legendary Auroras catalog (summon shop). Buy the epic potions, and never need a DC again. =)
i ditched perfect vorpal on my DC in favor of perfect frost. Have no regrets. wish i could have done so sooner =) not sure if this is a bug. but i tested frost enchant on ToS last boss, and it seems it can cancel out her heals. Still need to test if it will work on Valindra MC.
CW's are the easiest ones to kill for a GWF in pvp. 1. Start chasing said CW 2. Let CW tickle you with dots, and control till determination is full 3. Click tab, and watch CW panic 4. Watch CW teleport all over the place 5. Click threatening rush 6. prone combo 7. dead. rinse repeat