Ive had that problem since Nov. Ive been in contact with the devs (submitted a ticket) But nothing works. Ive uninstalled and reinstalled the game four times and still nothing! The error message says its missing game files but the devs insist its a problem on my end (couldnt possibly be a problem on their end since its…
The game actually runs fine, I can play the characters I already have; I just cant make new ones (even after buying extra slots and deleting some of the old ones.) I did a new install and still have the same problem. I have plenty of memory. Ive tried everything the support people suggested and still nothing.
they were unable to find a reason for it, I mentioned that it started when I bought the two extra slots but they didnt mention anything about fixing that. Uninstalling didnt help me either.
Genasi, theyre in the 4th ed Neverwinter book. Having played the table top rpg from the Basic set onwards (yes, Im that old :p) all editions have had their problems I dont find 4th all that bad. And they simplified the cosmology, thats all. A lot of us rpg'ers didnt like 3rd ed either btw!
BTW the 4th ed Forgotten realms setting has added Dragonborn to it with a decent background. Tieflings are not born from fiends - as some have suggested; but cursed by Asmodeus. And Deva;s turn into Rakshasa if they go evil..which is neat too (not that alignment makes a dif in this game) My vote went to Genasi as theyre…
I just wish the people who dont like it would stop playing it. Im new to mmo's and dont get this need people have to come on just to complain about it. I for one, enjoy this game..if I didnt, I wouldnt be here commenting (weird logic right?)