destroyer, sentinel, and instigator all hit hard...really hard. Why should they become tankier? if they become tankier they should lose dps capabilities in proportion.
cws are one of the weakest class in a 1v1 which i think is a bad, every class should stand a good chance against any other class. Gwf are tankier than cw in my opinion because cws do not have a cc break and they have low hp. Even with shield on tab most of them don't survive one rotation. Dr is weak in pvp because people…
i have knowledge of your class as proved in my recent post as you agreed with it. So how did i lie again? and how am i complaining? i am just here you tell you that you are a liar and you agreed in that aspect as well. You said that smoke bomb "is perfectly useless in pvp" and now you say it is suppose against gfs. Well i…
useless in pvp? Stop lying please. If you use smokebomb and a gwf and gf were attacking you they would get dazed. If a gf does block the smoke bomb he will have to go out of the smoke bomb and wait for the effect to be over. This in incense grants you a period of immunity from dailies and encounters. It is tactical;y…
I didn't say scoundrels can have 70% deflection and even that isn't so impossible as they gain more deflection chance when their hp drops below a certain threshold. But i am not sure if they have reached 70% deflection chance in pvp without pots and food.
yes no rogue should say anything bad about trs please. I mean i said gfs should not be able to block and do a decent amount of dmg and actually kill me so i guess i was "anti gf". I said TI should respec cc immunity, i guess i am "antigf" and just made a gf during open beta to hate and gfs.
except searching for a sab tr alone will get you killed in 2 hits, searching for a executioner tr alone will get you killed in 2 hits(not even the lashing blade trs), shadowstrike and then shocking execution. This always works because if they are in stealth and behind you, your guard will not block it even do you hit it…
bull**** because say a gf out or gwf wouldn't be able to get to that tr for the duration of it. It basically grants them a huge breathing time and further giving them more advantage in pvp. I have use frontline surge a lot of times but it just gets deflected. I am not asking for a nerf to it but i think you aren't taking…
gfs definitely have the advantage in a 1v1 against a cw because our shift ability is stronger. That's all. Calling out that combo means nothing when if a cw gets me, entangling force > repel > iceknife > icyrays and i am dead. Only a conqueror can one rotate a cw and a cw can one rotate a conqueror with alot of choices in…
i heard a tr about to throw shadow strike and then i hit my guard and turned around but i still got dazed. you know why? because from all my reflex taking into effect and the turning around and the .25secs for guard to take effect i still got dazed and shocking executed. The skills and godly ability needed to fight a tr…
find trs? or any player? because you never killed me until mod5 bb shadow opportunity greatness. Even with that i still sf you and you just run off node and get pots or heal up. If we had the node cap i would have cleared you everytime. So please stop insulting people to learn tr skills when they know tr skills but their…
ahhaah this guy. you go around insulting people when you are below ground level. You could only kill with multi proc shadow opportunity from bb and you claim that is skills? you should never die in a 1v1 because you know why? you can just go stealth and run around the place.
Either this or their defensive mech needs to be nerfed. If itc was to be nerfed the stealth reveal will need to go away and nothing else will need to be changed, because going further would ruin the class. Now atm i don't really thing itc should be getting a nerf hammer though.
this is suppose to be about scoundrels but executioners have their on lame thing. They multi proc SoD or while they are running away and you are trying to catch them you just lose 9k of your hp and then 15k. Executioners and Scoundrels are the easiest builds too play because they are procing classes. While protector is the…
The way it is atm. Yes like any other class without a cc break, if you get caught first you are mostly likely to lose the fight. If you want to be tanky you would lack dps. I really don't see the problem in that.