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  • What do you mean "perhaps". It does exist. There is no reason to not have intriguing dialog just because some people don't read the dialog. Also where do you get the stat of 85% from? You can't just make a statistic up of the top off your head. Other mmos are proof that the technology exists and is implemented. Everyone…
  • It's not the technology limiting games these days it's the imagination. Or probably more accurate would be the suits saying get it out the door and make us some money. I know the reason companies exist is to make money and I'm not complaining about that that. If they don't stay in business I don't have an mmo to play. It…
  • I for one don't think it will be added. Like sockmunkey stated they haven't had this option in any game after countless requests over the years.
  • Did I ever say that once, no. Again you are making an argument that makes no sense. An experienced min/maxer wouldn't make the mistake of subpar stats to begin with. They would also choose which racial combo best suits their ideal needs for the class. That is why yes stats are going to make a difference and someone brand…
  • Your argument is irrelevant as that is already the case with some people. Some people believe you must have a specific race/class combo to do your best. A race change option would not make that worse. A class change shouldn't be allowed because it allows you to level in a playstyle you are great at and can grind the levels…
  • We get it you don't like elves. However I see no problem with a service like this. You are right that leveling in this game does not take very long but that isn't the point. Some people have been playing characters for a long time and it isn't about just leveling for a few days. It is all the time invested in the character…
  • This isn't a NEW character. It is one you are working on and have invested in already. We aren't talking about a service that allows you to drop some cash and be level 60, geared out and with perfect stats. It isn't as if it would hurt your experience or investment into the game. It would be an option for those that choose…
  • Ahh it seems I was beat to the punch nvrmnd :3
  • I do have to say I support something like this myself. I often pick a race based on what I am feeling and their looks. I don't often care about racials and while they do have some impact on the game it is often very small though it can be a slight edge. I have found quite often when I get in game and spend some time with…
  • This right here is how I have been able to make a good bit of AD already though I just recently started a month ago. I buy items that I know will salvage for 4k AD and buy them at a significant discount. I am willing to go up to 80% of the cost to buy the item. It does take some micro management as you have to place a bid…
  • You're going to the wrong bar then mate :) but seriously you can spend maybe 20 minutes in the AH a day and make way more than you ever will grinding dailies. Of course I don't mean to say don't do them just look for items you can bid out at a good profit or buy and resell. You wouldn't believe some of the auctions I have…
  • Yeah that seems to be the point of the post -_-
  • You need to start your own thread for a question like that.
  • Honestly it's quite hard to go wrong with this game as long as you level up the skills you are using and pick feats that go with them. You get a lot of points to distribute. It is made with the intention that you can use any skill combo to get through it but also be able to switch if need be to make a better team…
  • Yeah this has to be some issue with your touchpad. Mine will do odd things sometimes in games. In another game I play I have had issues with my camera spinning and it wont stop till I touch the pad again or use another action. Try to duplicate this with a mouse to see if it is a real bug.
  • I have had similar issue when logging in from Arc. I have since started bringing up the Neverwinter launcher directly and logging in form there. It seems as if it is a work around though it shouldn't be necessary to do so.
  • It is chrome sometimes but you will notice that I don't need help as I posted the solution to the problem.
  • Again you aren't reading a word I typed I was the same way but when I had the mats I needed to have it let me anyway. Oh and a little FYI the OP stated they tried doing other tasks to "bump" it which means he does have level 1 tasks enabled.
  • I have to say in a game like this where you can do a lot with the shop and pretty much everything but completely redo your character from the ground up this would be welcome. It is priced similar to what I have pain in the past for other games like this.
  • I have both of those myself and prefer my naga. I just like the way it feels in my hand. The thumb buttons are a beast to get used to however it will become second nature. However either choice you make is a good choice.
  • I have to second this. There are some armors that look really great that my pants or shirt just screw up :( I do like the look of the game as it has some really stunning depth if you take the time to look at all the little details. So in short please keep up what you are doing devs but please add this feature!.
  • and neither did mine! How many times do i have to type that out for you? I was still able to do all the tasks. I didn't say the op would but i thought i would share what happened with me to see if he attempted it with all the required mats.
  • I have a gaming mouse so I decided to have all my actions except my dailies 1-0 and -,= it just makes it easier for me to click them really fast with my thumb and I also use the mouse wheel for actions. I still like having my dailies on the keyboard at q and e as it gives my left hand just a little bit more work other than…
  • I did read the op topic and I can say for myself the bar never did move but I was still able to craft every level once I got the required material. That is why I posted what I did because the op is not clear on whether or not they did the Entertain Master of Lights Task. I bolded and italicized for you the important part…
  • So I have been at this non stop since the winter event dropped and I wanted to give out some pointers as I have only stopped fishing to do just enough events in order to level my Lightcrafting. Fishing seems far and above the most efficient way to grind out lights in order to buy the things you want to buy. I assume you…
  • I did read the op topic and I can say for myself the bar never did move but I was still able to craft every level once I got the required material. That is why I posted what I did because the op is not clear on whether or not they did the Entertain Master of Lights Task.
  • No he didnt miss the point the only way to level this is to do the Entertain Master of lights. The progress bar never moves or at least it didn't for me until I leveled him up. It is very tricky as I leveled this out the very first day. I didn't understand why the bar would not move at all when I did tasks however it…
  • I personally like the runes... gives it that HAMSTER look. However to each there own. I actually didn't realize it wasn't account wide until I grabbed it. Oh well it is a nice comp to have out for one of my toons.