You hit shift, shield goes up, you take the dmg, but health bar doesn't move it says absorbed or something on the screen, so the scrolling text displayed the incoming dmg but then the mitigation. I agree its not 100% clear, could be clarified more, also you see the block bar on the left side hud thingo lose some juice, so…
You have perfectly summed up exactly why I want to use foundry in this setting. I loved the fact that I could create adventures in pnp when i was little.
Danilo Thann, I have hotn, but a few guildmates who can't afford right now would really enjoy it. :> good luck to everyone p.s Please put more Ottughs in game!
So much qq by people starting these threads. You get Drow FREE after 60 days!!!! you're just not from Menzo so the 1 pager with the background and some mandatory racials will differ.? Big deal? People cried about the borg playable race in STO all the same and guess what they all have borg now anyway.
Not sure if anyone else from guild has posted but there is a binch of Aussie's (go straya) In this here guild. Numbers are coming along nicely. Feel free to stop by.
Just make a filthy Iblith from one of the horribly lesser cities like Chad whatevs or Ust'smellies and let your betters from Menzo get back to being well better, whipping kobolds and spider racing! It will boil down to a single character history page you really won't look at for more than 5 minutes and a tattoo which will…
Can't wait 60 days? Won't play because of this? You're lying. Also does it really bother you that you're not going to be from Menzo? With Triel dead there is nothing of import left in that smelly spider infested pit worth worrying about. I like Triel because I too am short and have a crazy sister. Also half of you will…