Thanks for the feedback! I shall change the dialogue. The thing about Ashleigh not fighting is actually explained if you talk to her, but I agree a guard would be good. The issue then is that she could die so I would have to respawn her at various locations, which is equally iffy. Both solutions have their problems really…
Done the first quest, and have a bit of feedback: - The Cathedral is named "Catherdral" - The difficulty of the first encounter is MUCH more than the rest of the dungeon. I had a hard time as a level 46 and I think it would require some corpse running at level 60. Also the enemies at Mazlin's weapon looked the same as the…
I really enjoyed your quest. There were a few minor thing I would change: - Your dream shards are still named "Magic crystal 01." - The last "boss" was really weak, if you make it from an ogre encounter or something and change it's costume to be that one you had, i think that would be better. - One potentially less minor…
Have just played - have some feedback for you: - Dialogue could do with running through a spellchecker, there are a few little mistakes here and there. - One of the mobs is called "Bossun" if you're wanting the seafaring term it's Bosun. - The vista behind the entrance to the island is blank, could do with just some rocks…
You could in theory do this by having something (off the top of my head a sword) stuck in a wall. It's interactable and has a dialogue choice. When you choose a dialogue choice, say "pull", that instance of the sword disappears, and a "pulled" version appears. Whatever affect the lever is supposed to have can also happen…
Making something appear/disappear based on a dialogue choice must occur in the same map as that dialogue choice. Unfortunate for trying to make characters "remember" things.
Shall add this to my list of to-plays when the servers go up. Will post feedback here and in a review, would appreciate feedback on my quest too (in my signature) :)
I shall get right on it when the servers get up. Will edit this post with feedback, and would appreciate feedback on my map too, it's in my signature :)
I will give yours a try when the servers are up and give you feedback both here and in the review. Would appreciate if you could give my quest some feedback too, it's in my signature :)
Good to know you're working on feedback! The part i was having most difficulty with with the bloom was the bit where you are standing on the rocks after the first fight, looking for the portal.
Firstly, create the interior house map. Then create an invisible wall and put it in the doorway of the house. (Remember to name it something appropriate, like door) Go to the story tab, add the interior map, and make the map transition to it the invisible wall.
Hmm. Then I would say maybe try to just have it as a normal encounter, but have him disappear tied to the objective in progress, and the NPC version the same. Alternatively it would be great if the foundry could just work, but that seems too much to ask.
The most important thing you can do is playtest it, it's different for most creatures. However you do have to keep in mind that at higher levels encounters are more difficult, and at lower levels are easier, so you have to strike a balance.
Have you tried making the encounter disappear when the "Talk" objective starts? I haven't played around much with Fighting to Submission so I'm not really sure. What are the parameters within the fighting to submission?
You could always just use the same two maps and make individual NPC's or objects or whatever you want to change every time you visit appear/disappear based on objectives.
I'll give yours a go now. My quest is in my signature, look forward to feedback :) Feedback: (also in review) - Fun adventure, but seemed a bit short. - Really liked the setting. - Bloom lighting seemed a bit extreme and I was struggling to see in some parts. - Personally, I thought the section with the floating city could…
Would love if you could give my quest a review, it's roughly 15-20 minutes long and is quite story driven. Thank you! This is much appreciated! Of Kobolds and a Woman NW-DGXUGRSN6. @incendiarywave (Edited with the title, unsure how I managed to leave that out..)
The mouse bug happens sometimes when you drag an item through the 3d preview box that appears next to it. It can be avoided completely by dragging the item around the box, or as said above it sometimes works if you just do it slower. This does mean you have to spend more time dragging stuff around but it will solve your…