I don't think anyone is saying you shouldn't be doing it cannot do it but instead that the EXP awarded should be limited to a reasonable amount. Personally, I like playing where I'm up against insurmountable odds and tend to agree with most players about being able to fight crazy encounters without much inbetween. What I…
A good Dungeon Master would not allow anyone to do what ever they please. Most of what you can or cannot do is regulated to the gameplay experience, ie the story, regardless if its pen & paper or a video game. A good DM has the ability to adapt, adjust and alter a story when someone chooses to do something "disruptive". A…
What most players are overlooking is that items their characters equip aren't anymore then a "prop". The prop is a designated feature that is not restricted in appearance. The appearance of wielding an axe or a sword, flail, mace, etc, has more to do with art then function. It would be realtively easy to change the…
I use the same CPU with an EVGA 285 SSC. I have overclocked my CPU the very first day I built my PC and you, my friend, can easily do the same. The e8400 is an awesome CPU for overclocking and will run without any modification by bumping the bus from 333 to 400 which would push the cpu to 3.6ghz. That's numrically a 20%…