Gee only someone who has even looked at the skill tree could tell you how ! this isnt GW2 depth oh builds here. Too bad our TR and CW are dead almost instantly because our team has no astral shield remember? They just need to plant it, its not channeled, and its game changing. So much power in one skill, sooo much denial.…
How about class based DR caps? A CW with energy shield standing in an astral shield is straight up invincible. Or have AS just not push anyones mitigation above 50%? Great for squishies, not as great for bruisers. Also no skill should be mandatory, but you're right that it would require fixing/buffing other skills. What…
Oh so basically require a cleric on each side or have no chance, then require team work to counter an area of effect from one skill. Feels like the old days already. I think making everyone in an area completely invulnerable to auto attacks and ALMOST skills (restoring strike, battle strike, flourish, he almost winced) is…
i thought its a super high mitigation ? I'm saying it 'should' have a threshold, its basically a crutch right now, stand in the shield and you dont need to dodge or move, anything that makes standing in the face of DPS and not having to do anything about it is pretty stupid. If its a flat # damage reduction thats probably…
nerf it in pvp at least... each side has a cleric and both cast it, everyone just sits in a circle and tells campfire stories until it wears off because i think only a TR can dps through it, maybe give it a certain amount of HP absorption before it busts.
Games with diminishing return have hotbars full of skills though, some for breaking CC and many many for causing it, and no dodges that make you immune to CC, so i dont think thats the answer.
Apparently also Crescendo can be interrupted, it might of been lag but crescendo hit, the animation played out, the charge was consumed, and no damage was done, seems like he force pushed me away at the beginning. I know he didnt dodge it because he was immediately frozen by another CW for the duration of Crescendo. Thats…
At level 49 you can get an ice axe, at lvl 60 theirs a stronger version of it. 2H mace? i dont think so. I doubt we'll see any really cool/powerful axes until maybe Barbarian (assuming they use 2h axes) comes along, which is a pity since you'd think a GREAT WEAPON fighter would use more than just a sword, but his current…
I think a lot of 60's shy away from PVP at 60 because until they have a set of good epics, they will be stomped on. Especially by people with Greater X runes on their weapons. Dungeons are sorted by gearscore, i think pvp at 60+ should do something similar since you are looking at very serious distinctions between 8k and…
To be more specific, hes an AT-WILL area attack beast, he has no real aoe burst encounters, so he needs a clump of mobs to hold still for a prolonged amount of time, this is not going to happen in PvP (unless its a cleric in his blue shield, but only because you cant hurt him) GWF has scaling issues, pre-30 needs some…
with WHAT? You cant keep someone on the ground with one encounter power and one daily, a weak daily no one uses when they have Crescendo instead. Unless its an exploit that lets them spam Takedown like that guy did with Roar, then they simply have no other ways to knock people down.
You mean PvP glory potions? Those kind of annoy me, but they're small. The pick up ones? Those can be fun, they're a strategic map resource. Just be thankful they dont have Rifts stupid 'double damage' rune..
Permanently knocked down? We get Take Down...and... savage advance ? thats a weak daily... Besides that we have no knock downs. And Takedowns on 13 second cooldown ?
The quiet thing is true.. But for the most part i've only had one out of maybe a dozen pug dungeons where people were suddenly breaking good etiquette.. For me, you shouldnt take a class based loot node if you have that class in the party, if its of your class you can take it, maybe take turns if theirs two of your class.…
Well they might be working but not actually show up in stats, i dont think the 6% damage bonus from strength changed anything in Attack/Healing. More details on the skills and better updated character sheet with skill feedback is what we need!
His 'example' is 'some people arnt high enough level in this BRAND NEW GAME to understand it enough' by pointing out i dont know what a different classes off-hand weapon slots are. My statement about rogues equipping two had nothing to do with the P2W, just possible balance issues and in no way pertains to the subject at…
You're example sucks. I'm not a rogue, even non 60 rogues would know this though, im 55 btw, its not like i couldnt of Foundry'd to 60 but i prefer playing the game. Nice try at derailing, but since some people are 60 and disagree with you, i guess your entire point is flawed, no surprise seeing as your brain has to be…
Because hes pointing out that as long as its POSSIBLE, (you can farm the millions of astral diamonds necessary and 'maybe' get a coalescent stone each week) then its not P2W, as in, theirs no line beyond that for some people. Ignoring the fact that some of stones themselves are overpowered in concept.
After seeing what those epic runestone enchants can do, no amount of skill can trump that. They 'could' do the GW2 thing and just equalize PvP entirely...But i feel builds arnt nearly as flexible as in GW2 so it wouldnt work so well.
I guess chainsaws arnt P2W at cutting trees down, when your hatchet can still technically, EVENTUALLY, chop down a great cedar tree. Wow when you look at it that way, theirs no such thing as p2w in any game \o/
I mean they can stack one kind of armor enchant on multiple armors. But people are right saying this is a rogue thing, since they wield two 'weapons' they'll get two of these super stones.
Wow i had seen some of these runes but didnt know others were THIS bad. You could wear a few of those and stun/damage on just about every crit. They either need to seriously nerf the stones, limit how many of what type can be worn, and/or seriously adjust the fusion chance. You'd spend 10$ on 100 wards to try and…
At that level the difference between your HP/mitigation and a rogues is negligible, just because they do twice your damage does NOT mean they will die twice as fast by any means. Just get to 40+ and it starts to get better.