I'm having the issue with max physics debris 5 (min), shadows off, AA 2x, lighting off... Was fine a week and a half ago (with higher settings), issue mainly crops up with large guys, and cleric aoe shield ability when combined with CW Arcane Singularity (black hole) or Conduit of Ice (ice whirlwind). Really annoying to…
The question was specifically regarding the Eldritch runestone, in defense slot, "Owner gains x% of pet's stats." Does it increase the stone/cat benefit to 100% + x%?
For me, I find trying to type while left hand WASD and right hand mouse very awkward. Especially in combat with dodging, and qer, even though I put tab and my dailies on my mouse. Just the shift in position from moving to typing positions is odd, so I don't do so unless I have something pertinent. As to voice chat? Hearing…
I find entangling force on something nomming the cleric, ray of frost, and arcane singularity to be invaluable in managing packs and bosses for dungeons.
If you name your characters after Thorin Oakenshield, just months after the Hobbit movie came out (spiking awareness above the general book background), you're kinda asking for it.