An exploit has been discovered ? Right, it happens. But it's been pointed out. And NOTHING has been done for weeks. Not even editing the AH code with just a single line preventing negative bids. It's a joke. You call that a simple bug ? I call that a scam.
What I don't understand is the bunch of tickets from the closed beta warning PWE about this exploit. Have they all been ignored and "lost" ? Are the developpers too lazy to add a single line to their code ? If (bid<0) {...}. Cmon, it's not like this exploit is hard to fix, it takes about 5 minutes... Is it part of a scam…
They can temporarily borrow the resources from a specialized company to do their stuff... Of course they can have the resources to do it. And it would cost far less than what they're gonna lose with this whole story.
Anyway, there's no reply on Twitter, except for really easy questions. Why couldn't they do a partial transaction rollback only for the exploiters and the ppl who had interacted with them ? Everyone would've been happy, including PWE. I described how to do it simply in another post, and nobody cared. I posted 3 times on…
Why couldn't you do a partial transaction rollback only for the exploiters and the ppl who had interacted with them ? It was feasible, and everyone would've been happy...
Hello everybody, I've been playing for only two days, and my idea might be a bit naive, but isn't there a way to just rollback the transactions ? If their databases are well organized, they can manage to use a simple algorithm to restore the state of the server. They have the AH database, so they can identify all the…