It ought to be possible, on the other hand, to port over the hideout or starship concepts from CO and STO. Customizable, multiroom instanced personal spaces would be a good stopgap. The hideouts code supports up to ten characters and these were a good revenue generator for CO while they were still devoting time to them. I…
Apropos of not much, I would argue that Wildstar's costume creator looks as though it's going to blow Cryptic out of the water. They've started to boost it as one of the great selling points of the game, much as Cryptic did with Champions. I'm wondering if the Neverwinter handling of customization is one of the items the…
Actually, though, come to think of it: I have a lot of difficulty reconciling the very selfish-sounding, shallow presentation of Sunite dogma ("beauty is more than skin deep, and if you're not attractive then you aren't worthwhile") first described in Faiths and Avatars with any notion of Sune having a Good alignment,…