Swiftness of the Fox or Storm's Recovery in conjuction with AoE powers are multiproccing for every target hit. I have tested these feats interactions with Cordon of Arrows, Constricing Arrow, Plant Growth, Hindering Strike, Steel Breeze.
@"noworries#8859" Are Thorned Roots even considered to not work as intended in the meaning of that they aren't scale with all buffs? I'm not asking for the fix, I just want to know whether such problem exist in your internal bug tracker.
Thorned Roots, Grasping Roots: -> Damage with incoming from this feat/mechanism isn't buffed from all sources with grants damage buff: - Air Archon - Water Archon - Earth Archon - Orcus set - Wheel of Elements - Seeker's Vengeance - Soul Sight Artifact Additional resources with might direct in some way to fix it: -> Fire…
Seeker's Vengeance isn't really fixed - for sure they fixed it for meele and daily powers however it's still not working with Thorned Roots and might not working with Blade Huriccane and Piercing Blades.
This CC changes aren't fit trapper meta in PvP because of the fact that trapper is based on multi-proccing CC(mostly depend on RNG) . * Trapper's Cunning(feat) proccing Weak Grasping Roots(built-in mechanism) with occasionally will proc also Crushing Roots(class feature). Don't even try mess with this feat unless you wanna…
Please consider releasing a sets in future with improving classes mechanisms for example old bonus from dc profound set. Increasing divine generation on DC will allow to open new paths how build this class.
@rayrdan There is just easy reason why feytouched doesn't work with AoE powers. In the past AoE powers were making the interaction where bosses got oneshotted by dealing insane bugged damage, similar interaction of the old bugged Orcus set. They've just messed up this enchant to not work with AoE powers or rather deleted…
@szerevax Hard to say is it a bug. Since you're archery you probably using Rain of Arrows or Thorn Ward. These powers are considered to be entities. Entities from HR have behaviour to proc Wild Hunt on them self(Deft Strikes from trapper have this same interaction, meele version of deft strikes proccing on RoA). That's…
@"brick#6890" 1) All encounters have a 25% chance to proc Weak Grasping Roots if you have Trapper's Cunning on 5/5. Ratio of feat proccing also depend on your crit chance and how power triggering with additional DoTs(for example Seeker DoT with Gushind Wound). 2) Forestbond is WAI. Get on preview Seeker DoT from artifact…
@duskwood I did add this on 13th February i just haven't specified this with what powers it happens. Pretty sure i have no more time for testing HR since i'm playing now ESO.
@dreadnaught#5263 Could you look on the righteous feat named Living Fire? Pretty sure this feat is not used only because of condition. Condition should be updated for the current gameplay since DCs mostly never are below their 30% Hit Points.
Rapid Strike will be added, maybe i misleaded with other thing. I don't think so that shifting is a bug cuz it's exist on many others classes and every know about it since the game launched. I'd rather say that's a bug which converted to be a feature but well the fact that sometimes nothing activating is a long-termed…
@duskwood I can't recall from the past but devs somebody stated that Rapid Strike working fine on consoles where on PC it's have glitchy animation. I remember that's somewhere it should be still on forum but like i said i don't know in which module it was.
@jonkoca If i understood you enough good then i'll resolve your troubling. Magistrate's Patience is like a Fire of the Gods the feat from the righteous tree from DC. You even not likely need execute a power to make this insignia to proc. Easy example is to reverse this is just using the Constricting Arrow and use a shift.…
@lillijendri Firstly offhand from the Aspect of the Pack had work on rank IV however after the patch where Cryptic fixed rank IV with range work they broke offhand bonus for class feature.
This things with that something not activating properly are so pretty odd since in the past i tried describe this somehow but explaiments were likely not understandable. Seismic Shot, Longstrider Shot won't activate cuz mob went to the room and arrow hadn't hit him or weird interaction with angle, Fox's Cunning when you…
Strong Grasping Roots normally could deal single tick to the target with have a CC immunity where Thorned Roots are upgraded version of these. Thorned Roots have a buffed version of damage dealt to the CC immunity targets. Additionaly Thorned Roots dealing a bleeding ticks with could you easily compare to the Duelist…
Yeah, yeah sure atm. Before i posted about this bug i asked somebody on CW to test Storm Spell with these damage buffs. For some reason these working on this CW's class feature. So if you trying to say that your Storm Spell is bugged in this way, we shouldn't resolve it? For me it's obviously bugged since Fire Archon and…
@sabre10 What enchants are you using on twisted mainhand? If you have a enchants with triple stats on mainhand such like black ices or draconics then try unequip them and do your test again.
Flurry shouldn't proc off from massive bleeds from Gushind Wound since Flurry activating during power execution from tray. Flurry is similar in execution like Shepherd's Devotion, Artificier Influence, Artificier Persuasion or Cavarly Warning.
Plant Growth still missing one tick sometimes and since of that delay we losing advantage against other classes. I haven't tested this enough since i spent all my day in this game on DC. In time with they spent on looking on that issue i'd rather go in combat than waiting for devs response and have a faith in them to fix…
I'll say what i know for now. Draconic Mortality: Effect: idk everything about this but it's increasing Hit Points also. Companions: - Ambush Drake - Assasin Drake Draconic Survival: Effect: Showing in ACT HitPointsMax. By checking a code in the plugin i saw that thing exist when you get injured. I checked this a lil…
Seeker's Vengeance issues: 1) Rank IV giving 16% more damage instead of 19%. 2) Thorned Roots damage is not buffed by this class feature. 3) Seems that damage buff not working with meele powers. NOTICE: I wasn't able to test this enough because there not exist a weapons for the HR with fixed damage.…
It's mount bonus, you have a few mounts with have it. The cheapest one(15% AP) are Gorgon and Snail. Much more expensive are legendary Snail and legacy version with giving 25%.
New light on the issue. If we use a plant growth from the keybind(for example using R) then Plant Growth will activate, however if we use a command /powertrayexec then encounter won't run(even not showing icon on affected mob). It's not collision problem because i tested this on normal mobs in Dread Ring. With command: By…
Shadowclad not giving fixed value of deflect chance. Maybe tooltip of enchantment in your language misleading. Shadowclad grants increased rating per stack, it means that this increasing your deflect stat so basically it's WAI.
Reading tooltips are one, understanding what's author have on the mind is other thing. In logic terms - yes it's should deal one tick however it's a game and there a little diffrency between reality and wrote code. During the development probably they've tried many methods and this one was the most not affected by broken…
Oh. Capstone of trapper can be procced by having a Trapper Cunning but CA need crit, look on chosen feats before you mislead somebody. Next thing, Deft Strikes multiproc with many HR powers so meh. Carefull Attack damage is based on how many people hit. Seems that mostly all bleeding powers on HR working in this same way.…
Copying my post from the preview category: Observations: 1. If any other passive damage trigger before Plant Growth start then Owlbear damage won't trigger. (Such like Feytouched DoT, Dread DoT, Seeker DoT). 2. If passive damage trigger before Plant Growth then sometimes it's trigger this encounter 3 times instead of 2.…