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  • If this thread has convinced me of one thing (actually it has convinced me of 2 - but stating one of them would require me to be impolite), it's that i'm still packing too much defensive silver. Given that werewolves are the last think I need to worry about, I think I'll look at rebuilding around miracle healer and more…
  • This is not a dig, but I second the comments about your HP. I'm surprised you don't die rapidly to pretty much any class. I'm on a bee's wang over 35k, with about 30% deflect, 1000ish regen, and all boons but the last couple in IWD & TOD - and I can be puglife melted with healing word ticking inside a divine Astral Shield…
  • My DC would be happier with unmitigated damage if ... oh .... I don't know .... and I'm just throwing this out there of course as a random completely selfish game breaking desire naturally ..... she had unmitigated self-healing?
  • I did Gauntlygrym for coins, bought the gg gear, then traded it through the Trade of Blades GG vendor for the grim pvp set with +hp. Can wear that in pvp or to run any content - I never take it off. I also have a miracle healer set I never wear because I can't really tell the difference and can't be assed buying a second…
  • *Edit: - never mind - user stupidity. had accidentally used the gatewaytest url* Anyone else tried logging into gateway and found characters missing and gear/progression that looks like it's from months ago? At work at the moment so can't try client to see if that's what I'm really left with :)
  • or, you know ... you could refrain from becoming part of the problem.
  • This would be soooo nice to have in general, and in particular for a DC. My loadouts for pve/pvp don't differ wildly on any other character, but on the DC all the encounters, both dailies, and one at-will are shuffled around depending on where i'm at. When doing several pvp queues interspersed with pve grinding, it's just…
  • If you can stomach doing gauntlgrym get the grym coins (from pvp & pve runs) - buy the GG set pieces (prophet champion?) then trade them in for the grim set of your choice (the +hp one is a good choice) through the gauntlgrym trader in trade of blades. The profound set is only a marginal upgrade from the grim set, and…
  • I respecced from a conq based swordmaster (I know - mod 3 swordmaster - oh the pain) to a tactician based swordmaster. Still a work in progress (before and after the module change) that's still gearing up and booning up, but the difference from mod3 conq to mod 4 tactician has been startling. Haven't got around to using…
  • I went mostly righteous but didn't take the capstone. POS.
  • Yeah module 3 saw my tanky pvp DC flailing around in the waves. Module 4 pushed her right under. Playing any other class at the moment.
  • Halfling bodies appear to have been changed a little in mod 4 - but they're still bordering on horrific. I also prefer the old faces, but that's less of a disastrous change. It's no longer possible to do a 'curvy' Halfling unless your definition of curvy is thick waisted with a gut and toothpick legs.
  • patches ranging from 2gig, 3.2gig, and over 4 gig. every time I start the client. Sort of over it now. Tried setting fast start and disabling on-demand patching (whatever the hell that does). Seemed worse then - patch was still required but much much much much much slower. Did I mention over it?
  • No doubt in my mind that mod 3 DC is less fun to play. For me the effect was complicated by a break - came back to experience the IWD grind and the new PVP (now with "extra reduced heals"TM). Neither is super fun for a DC - although I could speed things up on the IWD grind if I go back and grind for the High Prophet set…
  • YES! tooltip fixed - "FIST PUMP". time for drinks! But is it ... ? stands back from DC design spec ... holds up hands to make frame .... tilts head and squints ... "yes -perfect class chaps - well done". I'd say the DC has great potential to be simultaneously the weakness and irrelevance of the group. Admittedly I've come…
  • bugger all. In domination/GG matches - you'll die and be fairly useless with whatever you slot. In IWD open world pvp - it's even more depressing. If you get jumped your one option is to choose to avoid RSI and stand there till you die rather than button mashing while cc'd. Other classes have more self-healing potential…
  • I haven't found a need to change out of my pvp gear for any pve - whether solo or dungeon group. I've farmed 3 parts of the miracle healer set and have yet to wear them. Tanky setup with defense & deflect over 2000, regen around 1000, some extra hp and anything offensive into relatively low level crit enchants. I think my…
  • If somebody says that - just ignore them or leave. Their basic lack of understanding regarding how divinity is generated (apart from the not exactly stellar divine fortune passive - and the more nice ethereal boon feat) probably means a world of pain for that run. The only time attacking is not advisable if it's attacking…
  • You can't heal stupid - and you can't heal stupidly. I'm not saying you're the latter - but really if you're not using astral shield to cover the biggest damage damage density zone that has players in it/about to be in it - then you're just gimping the class. With a divine astral shield in place providing mitigation and…
  • Please no. Not armour penetration and lifesteal. I second deflect and regen. There's a reason that clerics (from my observations) use blue gear in pvp more than any other class :- the T1 & T2 sets are not well suited to pvp. We already have an armour penetration and lifesteal set, and I already salvage it along with all…
  • Ha! I feel your pain. I've gnashed my teeth many a time as I get controlled and burned down by a decently geared and competent CW. And you know what - I think it's ok. If I can kill every cw I meet - something is horribly wrong or I just blew thousand of bucks on gear which is not going to happen. Put good rogues in the…
  • Ahh. ok. thank you for that. Now I'm not sure whether which is the more broken/weird out of the tool tip, the combat log, or both. I presume the extra damage dealt after the absorb is the temp HP being all temporary and stuff.
  • I love healing step, and wasn't even aware it mitigated against damage (apart from the extra dodgyness). What's the source of that? Is it a preview server change?
  • Get Advanced Combat Tracker and the latest plugin for neverwinter log parsing (search forums for the link). Then you just start logging with /CombatLog - i believe you can append an id for a particular log. Point ACT to your log and let rip mit der numbers. ACT has a lot of functionality, and provides a pantsload of info.
  • I've tried a similar build specced into virtuous (instead of righteous currently) for the daunting light power up. Super fun - and feels more involving with the targeting requirements - particularly if you're trying to pull off divine glow & daunting light doubles. But the reduction in ability to contest a busy point or…
  • Hello. I have good success with Gctrl's sentinel cleric build for this purpose. I have the suggested ability score setup of that build, and the majority of the feats. However as I want the capacity to do a little more DPS at the cost of some survivability i've slotted for critical in offense slots instead of recovery. Zero…
  • If that immunity can help with surviving the insane amounts of impact shot that's flying around at the moment, it'd be more than worth it. Even a divine astral shield, a ticking hot, some barkshield ranks, and all the defense/deflect/regen in the world feels like a bucket full of confetti when a high end TR or two unloads…
  • Healing word is great in pvp generally, and particularly awesome for topping up or replacing team member's health after some action. Most people in pugs don't carry pvp pots and a lot don't have any significant regen. Somebody is fighting and their health is dropping fast - get an AS on them, pop healing word, and then…
  • Of course there should be rewards for pvp. It's part of the game content - every other aspect of the game content has an action for reward model. And pvp as it stands has a decent early reward - the gear you get that you can use for either more pvp (although it's surpassed by other sets for pvp), or to use as a starter set…
  • Well - it is temporary health. Useful in combat, but what good is it doing you out of combat?