Ray of Enfeeblement in my TAB-Ability - 2 Ray's with my build after applying my full mitigation de-buffs (all can be done during choke-hold) they are most definitely at half. I'm sure fighting someone with a "superior" Gear Rating to me isn't quite half.. but again, that certainly doesn't make it okay that I can do that…
I'm not saying it's up to anyone specifically other than someone at the development studios. That is definitely the True-True. They are more than welcome to hire me on to help. I'm extremely enthusiastic and certainly not negative in most ways. If I came off that way, I would like to apologize to anyone.. as I am only…
I can already tell you my spec is different from yours. Mine is based on full mitigation and various other talents. I don't need to teach you anything, just research/test builds, nor am I exaggerating when I'm doing it myself. Why would I get my class more nerfed for no reason? Rhetorical. I wouldn't.
Not joking it all, its not funny to me as it has ruined the gameplay for me and many others. - I could say the same thing about you "Put marijuana plant as picture" credibility gone. However I don't mean it.. I just honestly think you're a hipster that feels the need to show off that "you smoke", when most of us do.. but…
Love the comments keep them coming... very constructive so far for the majority of you. If you have any solutions I am all ears, what I say doesn't mean it's 100% right. I'm only human :) However I have spent 100's of hours so far in this game, and my statements are based from experience! Mistakes can be made.
I like the idea of a tank doing "Crowd Control Clunky Damage" personally, but not "CLUNKY" as in BURST dps. As a tank that just can't happen. If it can take more damage than any other class like it should, then it cannot dish out even close to any DPS's damage. Otherwise I understand what you mean.. Tanks should feel "hard…
No need for proof man. Sorry. Just play the game. My CW has 23,000 HP, GWF has 25,000, Cleric has 24,000. Rogue walks up to CW - Deft Strike 15,000, Daily 19,000. never said they did 25k+ damage in one move, if you read anything I said, I said it was a 2 part move. REGARDLESS, you can do all of these things in a matter of…
Novel mode engage - For the record my words are based off the experience of playing 3 level 60 classes (GWF, CW, & CLERIC). PVP was beyond destroyed/broken before patch and is still just as bad after patch. Yesterday PvP was going great until today, I HAVE NO IDEA WHY, it makes no sense. All of the sudden one shot wonders…
If this truly changes how PVP currently is; removes all 5 classes one shot Encounter and Daily capabilities/exploits for level 60; Helps to balance the Green to Blue to Purple Epic gear jumps; Continues to help prevent boring exploiters. You have my continued support. I've already told my friends playing, if it doesn't…
They'll have to separate the race change and gender change, otherwise you'd be paying double for part of something you may not want. Either way I'm down for both, and excite for a gender change option lol.
Yes please! Was looking to buy one today, was surprised it wasn't there (please make it the same price as appearance change! Even better, add it to the appearance change lol). It's one of the most basic requests in any MMO. I know they're busy with other things, so I'm not whining.. however an answer would be awesome! :)…