If it bothers them, turn it off. If it bothers you, turn off their ability to talk. (There's a mute option next to their avatar when you are in party.)
You're welcome. The OP didn't ask for help. He asked if he was missing something (No) and if the rewards were worth it (not really, but another quest turned it). As for the title of this thread, I gave my honest response. I'm sorry if that is too much for you.
Every time I change characters to do an invocation rotation, I end up having to log back in because "Retrieving list of maps. Please wait..." Followed by getting kicked from the login server to the login screen.
She was one of the best healers (cleric) in our Alliance. Because of the changes that were done and the weakening of the cleric class, that character is now rarely seen. Pretty much the reason why my cleric stays in DPS mode when he's used.
You quoting only the first sentence could also lead me to believe you failed to read the entire post. The % chance of success it totally dependent upon the type of mote you have slotted. Coal Motes are 100%. Other motes much less. No mote is 0%. It has nothing to do with the missing ingredients. Those are reflected in the…
Epic Enchanting Stone: you need 5 and the box is empty. The Coal Mote kicks the % to 100 regardless of the placement of the other refinement items. The upgrade is disabled because not all the boxes are full.