It seems to be affected by how many dungeon runs the players have done already. Using the 3man dungeons for the examples. example #1. 3 people, none of whom have done a dungeon today. character A picks up their 3000 bonus AD. split 3 ways 1000 to each character. character B picks up their 3000 bonus AD. split 3 ways 1000…
my quick opinions: Leadership in it's new form isn't useless by a long way. It needs a complete revamp of the tasks' xp/LSxp/durations, because some just don't make sense anymore. This should have been done before the AD change, though, and the fact that it wasn't shows that this change was a rushed demand from on-high.…
anecdote from STO that may explain this: Some STO damaging abilities (Tachyon Beam) are coded as negative heals for some reason. Maybe in Neverwinter some buffs are considered negative debuffs, and therefore are triggering the evasions?
I wouldn't mind the change to 70 etc IF the ingame text had all been adjusted. It's a few simple text updates that would remove a lot of confusion. How anyone forgot to update the quest text (Epic Artifact Equipment) when the requirements were changed I can only imagine...
what was actually said: Basically says they'll look into whether they need changing. doesn't say they'll change 'em. It's a plus, but I'll believe it when I see it. For someone in the know: How will the AD from skirmishes work for characters 60-70? Currently, there aren't any skirmishes that qualify for Rhix's daily. A…
Using an old gtx570 here. The patch set all graphics settings to max on DX11. Usually play with things on high in DX9, so things were a slideshow. Changed settings- no effect until I relogged. Problem re-occurs after a while (a couple of hours or so in Storm Front) playing (gradual deterioration). The lost focus in Full…
If you want to combat botting, maybe you could start by actually banning the accounts people report for spam? I clear my ignore list every couple of weeks or so, and as soon as I do, I see the same accounts spamming. if you are going to keep this change, can you at least boost the leadership xp the tasks give?
Is your router/modem being rebooted? Trying to get my ISP to replace my router as it's dying, and I have this sort of thing happen with another game every time after a reboot. Also, is there a "remember this computer" tickbox somewhere?
what irks me is that there is no easy way to clear my ignore list (I try to clear it out every couple of weeks or so). If someone has been permabanned for spamming, maybe they could be removed from everyone's ignore lists via a monthly process or something?
Longer term, that's correct, but in an individual encounter the effectiveness will vary drastically depending on which skill triggers the 1 in 10, and when it triggers- character on low health uses a daily and will survive/die based on whether it triggers or not, whereas using the previous mechanism, the character would be…
I gave up on these a long time ago, but I reported any that refused rewards as scams. "sorry, you are not in the demographics we are interested in, so no rewards" actually means "we've got the info we wanted now clear off". Surveys that aren't scams give the rewards to all participants, regardless of their responses.