Which options turns off the numbers? Also I think if we do turn them off, having some text options like immune, or reduced, would be nice. Or a big word like POW or BAM when we crit.
Hello, the open pvp is a bit exciting, although the zones are mostly empty. Is there a fix in the works to get more people into the pvp zones? I think that the pvp game should be running non stop, or at least have 2 games an hour. That way more people would be in the zone. As it is, I have no idea when the next domination…
That spellplague chest really needs to be fixed, why bother queuing if you're not going to get any loot? Sure it was a heavily exploited loot farm inthe current past but there are many who queue for the dungeon expecting to open the chest and are quite annoyed when they reach the end and are unable to do so. Thank you for…
The queue has a lot of issues, not the least of which is that it does not allow for the group to choose their desired party makeup, meaning if there are 4 in a group with no GF, the queue could spend hours looking for a GF that will never appear. Adding an option to vote for which class the party wants could fix that. As a…
The gateway is in beta, and it also allows for Zen purchases, but so did the game when it was in beta. The SCA interface does have some interface issues for sure, I would think they should degrade your companion.
Well these heroic encounters, especially the epic ones are just zerg clusters, what do you mean by tanking and healing roles?? its just run in and mash buttons till the red bar at the top of the screen empties, then press ctrl-f and hope that you get a good item. Perhaps you should increase the rate that these encounters…
Well some people do have some tradebars spread around different characters so I suppose this would help them. If PWE is trying to get the price of a coalescent to stabilize at 1000 ZEN, well that has always seemed a bit high to everyone. Maybe 500 ZEN instead. I would also like it if the drop rate for a coalescent from the…
What they should do is just unbind all companions across the server and place them all in a new account companion tab on the tab bar. Then we can do the new mix and match across our characters. Rebinding tokens would be nice but if the devs think that will hurt their revenue stream it's unlikely. I can't imagine the casual…
The foundry monster AI seems to be abit different than the live AI, my gwf can stand there while 50 zombies try to surround him and only a few actually can hit him. But If I use a knockback ability, once the knockback ends all the zombies are able to hit my GWf for a few seconds, the challenge is if I'm able to drink a pot…
I'm talking about 24 hours a day 7 days week foundry running inside a virtual machine. Still, probably cant beat the professional bots but perhaps one day...
I have been wondering about the ICD of the Fey Blessings, I'll have to look into it, currently working on an infinite fey blessing foundry farm, for WIP check out my handle under review section.
Why not allow for members to extract AD? Once all the upgrades have been purchased the feature becomes useless. What my guild did was have a tab for donations, one person sold all the junk at the AH and purchased the tabs.