I hate to say it but if these changes go live I will be forced to quit my (main) DC. Even now with 16k GS i feel weak in solo content, but this makes me feel like a useless baggage in parties. Better to take some dps or SW to heal than me (and I am built to support). - FF which is mostly used to heal the party during boss…
Hello kemi, I asume that you picked the last sharandar boon for deflect - thistle something. This boon is bugged in a way that your char is stuck in a combat stance even when not in combat. Welcome to my world :(. Still no word about a fix btw.
I agree... I keep cursing about CWs using icy terrain during boss fights it often gets my DC killed (at least it used to), but on the other hand when I am the CW I use it aswell... Right now it is more about "i have done this dungeon so many times that I know the boss' animations and I know when to flee in time" rather…
this is not even funny any more... first time i went to VT and we failed (pug) so i went there with my guild and had this chest bug cause i entered before... and never again can i get another chest... sigh... i am not even angry any more just tired...
this happened to me yesterday, apparently u can enter just once a day - i was there on my dc and the party failed (2GFs doomed to fail :D), then I went there with my guild, we finished and I was the only one (my dc) who did not get the reward - the chest showed me cooldown of 17h for phantasmal dungeon (that mini dungeon…
well my purple armored female DC looks like a joke in perfect barkshield. I would appreciate if i could turn the effect down. On the other hand my half-orc GF looks HAMSTER...
I believe i heard my guildees raging about such a run. That they were running a greed run T2 GG and some dc rolled need on MH set and they managed to kick him/her before the roll ended. Given the circumstances u had it coming - nobody else needed during all those runs but you (which made you a ninja looter). For what i…
I completely agree. I was so sad to see another armor pen/lifesteal gear for a DC with super fail set bonus :(. I would love to see some regen on our epic gear since we have that "awesome" righteousness debuff. Now I am forced to wear MH set :/.
it is most probably the currency inventory (go there and trash some seals). As for the quest - same issue, used the item, looted both chests now im stuck and cant abandon.
There is an easy fix for that. Sort mails by date from oldest to newest. U will probably find some gold spammer old mails u never got. This worked for our whole guild hope it will help you aswell.
I guess that must be some (post patch) bug. I have two chars with full sets (but have had them for a long time - before feywild) and it clearly states - frozen, glacial rings. Here is the SS for you.
well you are either TR or CW i guess or GWF maybe ... dps classes have this problem in all pugs. When I wanna do it on CW i just queue and go do daily. This is just the usual queue system - you dont want to have a 5 tr squad do you. As for the part when you could not make a group I dont know, I see a lot of ppl calling for…
I have to agree here, there is no daily skirmish at max lvl therefore no bug. The AD problem is known... on the contrary if you run Master of the Hunt skirmish you frequently get AD even without event (actually the skirmish is the same no matter if the event is on).
Allow me to help you here... I got it in one day after a date with my best friend Google :)... here you go http://neverwinter.wikia.com/wiki/Scrying_Stone
not really it is just another "dog" green pet (I have it and well leveled it and returned to augment pet :/). As for the rewards key cost is 5k AD and 1G and some crescents I guess. The best reward you can get is in third zone tower and when salvaged you get 5k RAD for main hand purple and 4k RAD for off hand purple.…
Low lvl GF does significantly less dmg to the same lvl mobs. I remember myself - I thought this was the worst daily ever (almost did not heal me). Once I turned 60 had my epic gear and respec :D (cause my GF started during closed beta) I can heal from 1hp to full 30k in no time and this daily does not leave my bar. So for…
Hmmh a good question. For me they are useless as my chars are geared with full sets. The purples you can buy with them cost more AD than I would salvage them for so... no ty :(. Got like 400 of them now and nothing to do with em.
Yah I have to add my voice to this... My poor wizard looks kinda silly with the "drunken" skull floating around :( (not to mention its plague fire enchant effect floating elsewhere sigh)
I have had this like... forever. I use PF and it does exactly the same thing (+ still the broken skull skin) it makes my tiefling cw look really silly :c
I think that many people experience(d) this, but I found no mention about it here. I was hoping that the maint would fix it, but it is still broken. So in many instances the tree wounds just wont appear, the only solution is switching instances hoping that you find one that is not broken (which takes time and is not really…
Hmmm so I asked some friends to check it out. They can see the "fresh" foundry, but I can still see the one I published long time ago. Guess it is kinda broken for the "publisher" account :c.
Well... still better than me :c on my DC I have "Chest Unlocked" bar all the time... and it has been three days, two tickets and still nothing. The worst part is that it is overlapping with other events... sigh.