Just had another thought, and I don't believe I have seen this mentioned. Most agree the worst part is capping the RQ bonus to account rather than character. Add to that the limitations on refining AD to 100k daily, and I see a recipe for much less total epic content runs. This will, in turn, create less drops (the drop…
The only things people want Zen for is VIP, keys, and wards. Almost everything else on the Zen market is outdated. The backlog occurs because of a lack of Zen in the market, not too much AD. AD is used for many things, including marks for upgrading, scrolls, and the AH. The lack of people buying Zen is what leads to the…
This is a horrible idea if Cryptic likes making money. You are going to cause all of the whales to quit the game. We all understand the ZAX is currently in a bad state, but it is not because people are gaining too much AD. It is because, outside of the few sales on Zen each year, there is very little incentive for people…