What happened to the Lurker's Assault Black/White Effect? I didn't see any thing about it in the patch note but it's now gone??? It was one the the cool thing about that skill.
This Looks completely Stupid for Haflings riding the mount now. I'm not even sitting on the mount I'm like hovering over it... Please Fix for Halflings
Really I get a title that is already in the game and that I all ready have... "spell plague survivor" or is this yet ANOTHER over-site/bug. Can't you people do a even a give away right... :( And yes the fact that ING wants you to pay for a "Free Items" is just sad for them and you...
LOL, I wonder if NW creators has ever played a MMO in there spare time before... If they did they would know this one was a no brainier. Venders for events ALL WAYS stay up longer then the event.
Apparently you can make a Guild group (you can make 8 Guild groups) but it randomly puts the groups on random sides NOT a REAL RAID you CAN'T make a real Guild Event. So lets say you make 4 Guild groups it puts the groups on either side and you might be fighting your guildies or you might be all on the same side with 1 on…
So I decided to use the $20 Card I payed for to buy $15 worth of ZEN (because apparently that is all I'm aloud to get here in Canada...) I bought the 500 an got +75 Bonus. Then I bought the 1000 and got +0 Bonus! Thanks for HAMSTER me again PW!
So I decided to use the $20 Card I payed for to buy $15 worth of ZEN (because apparently that is all I'm aloud to get here in Canada...) I bought the 500 an got +75 Bonus. Then I bought the 1000 and got +0 Bonus! Thanks for HAMSTER me again PW! You will never see another drop of money from me again.
It's just a Plane and simple Scam no ways around it if your not in the USA your screwed. It's not a Exchange rate it's just a made up charge. I bought a $20 card , to use the card I need to spend a extra $1.68 If I pick the $50 card it wants a extra $1.77 what kind of math is that? To make things more messed up if I change…
As am I right there is NO way for me to pay for the $1.68 with out buying another $20 card? Because if so I would rather just sell some one this card for $18. I would rather lose $2 and never buy ZEN again then give my money to UGC or PW after this Scam.
Then there Braking the Law: This means that when a vendor sells or issues a gift certificate, no GST or HST is payable because the GST/HST Legislation says no supply has occurred. If there is no supply, there is no event that results in the application of GST/HST. HOWEVER, when a person uses that gift certificate to…
So looksl ike the only Thing I can do shore of buying another $20 card (Witch will never happen) is redeam $15 worth of the card! So I payed $20 looking for 2300 ZEN and I get 1750 ZEN... FU PW and/or UGC!
Wish I would have seen this before I bought this Stupid F'ing Ultimate Game Card from Future Shop in Canada because same thing happened to me! I have bought ZEN Online before and $20 = $20 I see a promo to get a extra 15% ZEN so I go looking around the city for a game card I find one I buy it $20 ( BTW THERE IS NO TAX ON…
I would also like to know how to "change the appearance of a specific mob" or make a custom Mob I see people saying "it's under costume in detail" but there is no "detail" option if you click on an encounter and the only place I see "costume" is a TAB on the top of the map but I can only seem to edit NPC not Mobs can some…
Thanks, I'll have to look in to that but seems I'm running in to more bugs... Vary Frustrating... :( Trying to make something happen at a point in time and the foundry keeps changing the "Object completed" to "Object in Progress" and it removes the options to change it back so I have to delete the the item and start over…
Thanks for the reply but I can't do that because it is already a published "Finished" foundry I'm just changing some things before I publish it again and I'm not going to published a "work in progress" over top of a working foundry just so "I" can test it and start getting bad Reviews.