This is what I am getting at in a round about way. :) With all the GOOD F2P games coming out right now, there is a convergence happening in the demographics. You may like one genre over the other... but what F2P game is actually sucking in all of your limited time? eg: Path of Exile has 80,000 concurrent users at any given…
There were supposed to be 5 different launching classes if you recall the original Play Neverwinter image. Ranger is undoubtedly coming soon. I do want to be a Star Pact warlock though :D
TESO looks blah and looks completely different from Neverwinter I'd be more worried about Path of Exile and Firefall with their ability to suck in massive amounts of gamer's game time.
I am finding that me and my friends will gladly pay to support a F2P game if we like it during beta. It would still be cheaper than buying a retail game, and ontop of that you get to purchase what you want with the in-game credits.