<Bleep> it, we'll miss you. Those kids (or whoever you're teaching) better appreciate the awesomeness that is The Sominator. And I'm sure this is totally not something about you being kicked out for having too much fun and giving away too many of those bags and boxes and stuff (you should have just given away the stuff in…
Dunno about "ended too soon" but having the vendor vanish <bleep>ed me out of the unlocks I was after. Yes, I know, I should have immediately panic bought the instant I had enough, but I wanted to see what I would end up with, and if I didn't have enough for "everything for everyone" was going to have to decide what not to…
Yes, I shouldn't have waited until the last day, I should have bought all the comp's I wanted immediately. Transfer in zen, I have thousands already, that I got to purchase companions (although I was going for multiples of stuff, not one of everything). I already have that companion, he's not what I want more of, why…
Sounds like fun...goodness knows I have a <bleep>ton of perks and such on my main in Champions Online. Heck, working on some of the stupidly hard ones, just to be able to brag and show off cute titles and stuff. Voodoo Child, that pain in the <bleep> scavenger hunt in Vibora Bay is a "good" one, another is the Chapter and…
Heck yeah, the delve times are a massive pain to try and get all my friends together, as many work, some have families, etc...having a key we pick up and can use whenever, would muchly improve things. Although I'd say only one key per day, not two, with an option to buy for AD's and Gold, much like the Sharandar "dark…
Pretty darn rare chance...heh...been making T3 (common) Leadership minions, so far up to 50 of them (setting up all my toons with them for leadership grinding) and so far not one 'special' version. Oh well, white is good enough for me, green would just be bonus points...'specially as I'm almost done cranking them out…
w/o reading the rest of the attempts... War Troll: *pointing* Okay, dinner, I mean, the 'heroes', should be here soon, you guys get over over in those bushes, and wait to get behind them, and whatever you do, watch out, this bunch seems to like traps and ambushes... Troll 1: *looking over at the indicated bushes* Troll 2:…
The body/aura could be a bit more 'together' color wise, but the -red- fire attacks from a -purple- burning source just looks silly...definately a rush job (or someone set in the wrong version of the mystic firebird).
*sigh* Don't you know, everyone should be fully fluent in inter-lingual insults, curses, and inappropriate language, so as to never harm or offend anyone ever. Honestly, automated "objectionable language" filters only stop the ones that aren't actually -intending- to be objectionable in their linguistic array...the ones…
L20 "Unstable Potion" is the way to unlock several potions, just like earlier ones gave recipes. Play with it some, and see what kind of interesting things you can discover.
Okay, I copied a few shards and some wards I had over to Mimic...here's the result. No books (Tome of Control, Tome of Command and Tome of the Fey) will show on a 'lesser' mod, even effects that rise above or fall below the weapon...no lights, colors, nothing. Didn't bother checking bigger ones (don't want to copy a toon a…
I tried the de-equip/re-equip bit, nothing happens. As for the 'slight frosty shimmer' yeah, that would be lost, particularly if it was holding to the dimensions of the old shard I was using. What I was missing, was the 'frosty air falling down from orb' effect, that even now should be visible. Oh well, I can copy a few…
I love the intro cinematic...not only do they look good, but for the first time in a very long time, I have a fighter that moves like the one in the 'cinematic trailer'. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHyljJ8hUJ4 Specifically, my TR (first character) moves almost exactly like that in real game play, which <bleep>ing rocks.…
The entire Pirate's Skyhold series is working with and for -pirates- that pretend to be regular people by doing regular work on top of being pirates when the opportunity presents itself. If you promise to help a person claiming to be good, and you find they actually worship Cyric and are sending you to do -bad- things, a…
Definately, I've played many games, and they've had many events, and any with a "gather X to get Y from special vendor Z" leaves the vendors around for a day or two at least -after- the 'event' ends, so you can farm to the last minute, then sell the stuff off. I don't think this was deliberate, I think this was an 'oopsie'…
Thank you ever so much, before, I had to run on absolute minimum settings (forget 8-Bit, try 2-Bit) and I would still nearly crash when the portals closed, now I can run back at full, and even the close has no real effect. This is ever so much more playable now, thank you.
The answer is (doesn't trust the forum so goes to google) Luskan. (wow, 61 pages, if you don't catch these just as they go up, you're -way- on the end of the train...heh)
My cape (caturday survivor) was fine, but my weapon (cleric symbol) was still on my hip, the weapon selected was no where to be seen...other stuff was fine, but no weapons showed (although none on that toon were equippable aside from the symbol on her hip).