Of course history will repeat over and over. Which is why they're introducing new classes. It's helped liven up many mmo's in the past and increase player base so it's the smart choice as history has proven. By saying you don't understand the history of mmo's I'm not saying "History won't repeat." I'm saying you obviously…
You're honestly wrong. I have one friend who refuses to play until a paladin is added in. He refuses to play anything D&D based without paladins. My wife has also stopped playing because she always plays an archer type class. Until some kind of archer/ranger is implemented she refuses to play. I'm sure they're not alone.…
Problem is they need to implement a way for premades to fight premades and pugs to fight pugs. This is why many people also oppose a "deserter" system. To them it translates to "Be forced to face a hopeless battle against a premade." No one wants to do that.
And exploiting at the time but.. despite people claiming people are still duping AD this is proof that people are in fact not duping AD at least in any huge degree. Those days are over.
If many people had billions of AD AD to Zen would be much higher such as caturday with 500 AD to 1 Zen. AD has gone up in value, not down. People are worried AD is drying up. Billions of AD wouldn't be drying up.
Great gear? Tier 1 dungeons is doable by anyone. They're very easy. It doesn't require much pvp to get a full set of pvp gear. Pets? Selling pvp pieces on the auction house, tier 1, and tier 2 can provide enough astral diamonds to transfer into zen for keys. You can also buy keys directly. Pieces of tier 2 alone go for…
Tier 3 likely will come in with module 1. Tier 3 isn't coming with this update because it was meant to launch with open beta but didn't make it in. Also for tier 3 to be in a dungeon that requires pve and pvp would create a lot of angst on both sides. When people thought it was the next "end game content" there was already…
Yup. I was disheartened by this in SWTOR. I had a very successful pvp group that was well known on my server. Know what most groups did? They'd scout. If they saw my premade or some of the other "top premades." They wouldn't participate. These same premades also argued vehemently on the forums against the idea of being…
This and as I mentioned before. They need to make the system eventually so that pugs only go up against pugs and premades only goes up against premades. Premades who disagree with this are hypocrites who are scared of a real challenge.
Or by just not doing it. Gauntlgrym does not have better gear than what currently drops. Everyone whining that they don't want to pvp are being whiners at this point. "Why am I forced to pvp in content that drops the same level of gear as existing dungeons that for some reason I have to do even though I don't like it and…
If it's going down at the rate you say when most of the exploits are gone then it isn't cheap because of exploits. It's cheap because as more and more people farm it the more end up on the auction house. It's because the system is boe so people can sell stuff in other mmorpgs cannot be bought. Either way I don't see this…
No it won't. You obviously haven't played enough mmo's. It will come down to "If you don't pick what is accepted as the best spec you can GTFO." No one will group with you unless you're the best possible combination and spec. That's how people work. It's why GF and GWF were having trouble getting into groups. It was more…
Except some of the people against the cleric nerf, actually man, aren't even clerics themselves. Plus the cleric was never the strongest class in this game. Trust me, allowing people to cross class would simply introduce very overpowered characters. You mentioned 2nd edition and 3.5 edition but there's a reason why most…
This isn't about bias. Clerics cannot keep their party alive with these new changes. "Perfect class balance" is impossible and even your solution won't achieve class balance. Leaving it up to the "players" to create class balance as you suggest would just lead people minmaxing and a certain all powerful build as being the…
T2 gear isn't dirt cheap. T2 goes for 500,000-2,000,000 per piece. Gauntlgrym was meant to be released with the open beta. It's meant to be another means to get gear/progress that was meant to come with the "base game." look to module 1 for "truly" new content.
Gauntlgrym was meant to be released with the open beta (proof is the daily quests have been in the game just not the content.) Currently there's multiple end game dungeons. There's only one pvp "arena." This content still does not equal to the number of "pve content." as there are currently in the game. Not to mention by…
I run my own premades but they need to implement something where if someone ques alone they only get paired up with others that qued alone. Whereas if you que with a group you get paired up with other organized groups.
Except it was meant to be released with the open beta. It's content that didn't make it in time. Look to module 1 for really "new stuff and new rewards."
I disagree. Why should it drop the best gear? Many people are upset by the idea that it would. I think it was a good call on cryptic's part. I love the idea of Gauntlgrym even if it only drops tier 2 gear. Sounds like a fun way to gear up my other characters.
Yes. It says "Tier 2." We already have tier 2 gear. Note that Grym was meant to launch with the actual open beta but didn't make it. We already had dailies for it but couldn't do it.
Which it is. It provides the best armor in the game but so are the dungeons which also drop the best armor in the game. It's side content for end game. Another method to get end game armor. Another method to get the same armor that already exists.
Except it's side content. Not the "Next big pve content." It isn't. It's side content with other means to get existing gear. It does not provide better gear than what else is available. It does not drop the best gear. It's optional.
Actually I am denying that. Do the math that you get from enchants that provide stats. The absolute best ones and compare them with tenebrous. The advantage isn't THAT much higher. Perfect soulforge, I believe, is 4 seconds of invulnerability when below 25%. With how fast you can kill someone in pvp some people get dropped…