you guys are dumb...if you ban the current exploiters and ALL THEIR ACCOUNTS/MULES/ALTS, even if they return with new accounts, they will have nothing. BAN THEM ALL! (if the exploits are fixed, even if they come back with brand new accounts, they are forced to play fairly)
i agree this is a complete joke. The only way this would make any sense is if they PERMA BAN all those who exploited pirates/GF/CW/AH...straight perma ban them AND ALL THEIR MULES. Thats the only way this makes any sense. Otherwise there was no reason to do a 15 hour maitenence. May as well just leave all the exploits cuz…
just a 7 hour rollback? first of all, this issue has been around since open beta went live, second of all, this doesnt resolve the damage done by GF exploit. third of all, u guys wasted an entire day for such a garbage resolution? seriously? There better have been thousands of perma bans to exploiters and all their mules.
wipe the game you fools, this isn't a hard decision to make. Let me elaborate. WIPE. THE. GAME. inb4 i havent put any time into this game. I've played this game legit ever since release, everyday, never exploited (no foundry, no gf, no cw, no pirates, no AH). Its BECAUSE I play legitly that I support a full wipe. Reimburse…
wipe for sure. reimburse those who spent money (zen/ad) and whatnot, but wipe wipe wipe wipe wipe wipe wipe wipe wipe, and once again, wipe. I don't want a wipe for selfish at 10.6k gearscore, didnt spend a penny on this game, and never did any exploits (no foundry, no pirate king, no GF, no CW). I want a wipe…
I feel the same way. Most of the time the last boss doesn't even drop tier gear. There's almost no reward for running a dungeon outside DD. inb4 do it for fun. Well, after running every dungeon many many just gets boring and repetitive because of the lack of interesting boss mechanics, and tons of trash.