Astral Diamonds are equivalent to Dilithium in Star Trek Online, a currency that can be farmed by players with more time than money and sold to players with more money than time. In STO it has been an excellent way to bridge the two kinds of players. Early in the game there was much of the same angst we're seeing in this…
No one knows of course. But if history is any guide incrementally those same perks will be reintroduced at a marked up price point. This makes sense from a marketing POV.
That is incorrect at least with regards to STO. PWE's last quarter's revenue loss has been cited commonly with no context. They are building out using unprecedented revenues from micros. They are forsaking short term profits for long term market penetration. Think Amazon. I guess to rephrase it: when a company rolls out…
S/He is not concerned with cost to entry. He's concerned it is pay to win. Any old school paper and pencil player, with nominal MMO experience, is probably not going to get it until they've seen the proof over time.
There is no way anonymous players will alleviate your concerns. Suffice to say, in other venues, it is working and the companies involved are constantly refining their approach to the marketplace. Your scenarios are just that, your personal thought experiments. You may not be wrong in the coming years. But you are…
I've often, not always but often, found players like that to be a turn off. I've been playing since 1978 - my groups over the years usually institute a rule, typically three out of five. Expecting an MMO to have the flexibility of a completely passive DM is not a good idea.
Exactly. I was making the same point to Raph Koster in 1998+ and never got anywhere. The sub model is actually the death spiral to be avoided... f2p with micros give a company every incentive to enlarge the franchise.
I had no problem paying an equivalent amount for the lifetime sub to STO. I think PWE/Cryptic have done a fine job balancing FTP with paid items, and they are still refining (for example there seems a shift to account bind on pickup vs character bind). Paid items are always a few points less than than end game award items…