Technically, a paladin or a cleric in the Forgotten Realms setting would be likely to use his or her deity's Favored Weapon in most cases. Longsword for Corellon, greatswords for Torm, hammer for Moradin, an axe for Clangeddin Silverbeard.. you get the idea. Obviously there's not as much room for diversity in a video game…
Considering that it's the Realms, I think it would be fun to see some of the classes introduced in the FR Player's Guide. Swordmage, for example, but that's just me selfishly wishing for my old 3E Sun Elf Bladesinger. :P We're getting Ranger, apparently, and I'd like to see Druid. It would be nice to have another…
Tark the orc walks into a bar and reads a sign that hangs over the bar. FREE ALE FOR THE PERSON WHO CAN PASS OUR TEST! So Tark asks the bartender what the test is. The Bartender replies "Well, first you have to drink that whole gallon of hot pepper whiskey, the whole thing at once and you can't make a face while doing it.…
I'll probably wait until I find a guild and go to whatever shard they're on, but for now, I went with Mindflayer. Because.. illithids. Mmm, delicious illithids.
I would LOVE to see gnome. Would also like Eladrin, for those of us who want to play sun and moon elves. Svirfneblin are a very interesting race. The writeup in the Underdark sourcebook (I think it was the 2E one) really helped flesh them out and set them apart.
Bard (Musician), Barbarian (Rageblood), Ranger (Archer), Druid (Predator), and finally maybe Battle Cleric to give us the good ol' classic D&D cleric. I'd also like to see a Two-blade Ranger, but that's probably a pipe dream.
Suspension of disbelief. Just say that your archer bought or made all of the arrows he would need prior to setting out on his adventure. Just as I would assume he went to the privy, ate a good breakfast, and performed hygiene without him performing those actions via in-game actions. ;P
Jaymes Waylon, student of Silverymoon True Neutral Human Wizard (4th Level) Ability Scores: Strength- 12 Dexterity- 11 Constitution- 13 Intelligence- 17 Wisdom- 15 Charisma- 12 Alignment: True Neutral- A true neutral character does what seems to be a good idea. He doesn't feel strongly one way or the other when it comes to…
I'd like to see at least one god from the hin pantheon added before open beta for those of us playing more traditional halfling characters! During the BW, I was wishing I could choose Brandobaris or Arvoreen. Yondalla would work, too, as the "chief" deity, similar to how the elven and dwarven gods are represented in-game…
Yeah, I was able to use "of Luruar." I was just thinking that it would be nice to see it reflected in the game's storyline in small ways. For example, one of Cormyr's background choices is Purple Dragon. It would be kind of cool to see that background unlock a homeland quest that might give you, for example, some Purple…
During BW4, I'm pretty sure I saw greataxes for GWF, a GF with an axe and shield, and a mace that dropped that was usable by GF's. So I don't think we need to worry that Fighters are limited to swords.
I noticed as well! Here's hoping the list of available gods continues to expand. (In the meantime, choosing the "closest available" and placing clarification in my bio works well enough for me.)
I'll admit I haven't kept up with the Realms after the changes that were made with the 4E shift. I was looking at your updated list of gods, Gill, and noticed that Dumathoin, the Keeper of Secrets under the Mountain, is missing. Did he perish or is he now considered an aspect of Grumbar or something the same way Sehanine…