^THIS^ Along with a simple search of accounts that have increased their AD/Zen by over 500% in the past week. I'm sure it's not difficult to separate the cheaters from the clueless (like me) that just want to play the game and could care less about the AH. While they're busy making gear BOP, how about fixing the Need rolls…
I'm hoping this is fixed soon. It's so frustrating playing with people that Need everything. I always call out those people on the first loot drop (usually an unidentified green item). Sometimes that shames them into rolling Greed going forward, but most times it doesn't. I always add those people to my Ignore list. And if…
I've got a 60 TR. Agree with everything you just said. They've got to give GFs an AE taunt or tweak aggro to make it extremely painful for TRs and CWs. I'm also of the opinion that GCs are in need of some tweaks. I've only played my GC up to lvl 22, but I see some problems: GFs don't do enough DPS to stay as healed as…