I'm just gonna throw guess out there and say Spellfire. I have No Idea WHY i came to that guess thou... But really, these are not contests. Just wait til the first few people put out the answer, if the first few respondants have the same answer, than that is probably the Right answer, and everyone (most everyone) just…
The other races didn't bother me any, i'm used to the sexualized female thing in games, I am personally not offended by it as long as they got cute/studdly guys in there too. But the Elin?... It's not like it is a "race" geared towards children to play. You have to age verify to even go onto the mainpage (17+ yo), so no 8…
After looking at everything in those packs and comparing them to the same/similar items in CO and STO, all of those packs are nearly twice the cost of what they should be compared to other Cryptic products, and no where near their "value of" amount. I am certainly not buying anything until after I have had my hands on the…