My AD total has been increasing, but I've not received any mail. The only mail I had recently on my Cleric was spam, besides that my inbox says it's empty, even though I didn't delete all my mail in it. It even had some old STO mail in it.
I am having the same issue. Tells me I can not play right now. Yet my Boyfriend is on and playing. he bought his guardian pack two weeks ago, I bought mine four days ago.
Hmm, to have to choose but one. I've never played Neverwinter Nights or Baldur's Gate, so either of those cities would be fun to start as somewhere completely new to me, in the sense of new game, new city, new adventure, but for a hint of familiarity, I'd choose Waterdeep, since I have in the past played an adventure set…
Forgotten Realms, Faerun. Most of my tabletop D&D adventures have been based in the Eberron setting, playing in the Forgotten Realms will be a fun change, yet still familiar, since I like reading the Elminster books.
The Foundry looks like so much fun, I've been a Dungeons and Dragons fan since I was 6 years old, I had the board game version while I was in High School, though no one would join me and it was only since I went to Uni in 2005 that I managed to find myself with a group of friends who were already playing tabletop D&D on a…