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  • Thanks for being a sucker more or less.
  • ...And being able to report someone for spam whether they have or not, effectively silencing them globally on the game, yeah, uh Double Chec-Chec-Check Mate?
  • People pointing out that person that is reporting incorrectly, it's not hard.
  • You should be put into someone else's shoes that was born with greater difficulties... lets say crippled. Yeah, and lets add an IQ of say around 140. Go, Be rich.
  • The true test of PvE raiding challenge, is moving. Literally. The hardest encounters I was ever in required near nonstop moving while using every single gcd(which yes exists in all games in some way) possible, with almost only a sliver of of room for error(ie not pressing an ability intelligently). The hardest PvE content…
  • Why would we want perfection for those who are evil? Perfect is good. It's not neither good or bad, it's good.
  • you should really get a clue first, actually. And no, you don't have one, /end.
  • And it should be atypical rather. The developers have got to know that enabling the "children" only loses them player volume.
  • Yeah uh you can't do anything in zone chat except pretend to chat and possibly learn to read faster, so what are you talking about again? The issue and true concern here is the system is broken for spam reporting, and also that there are that many people on one channel having to via for being read. Enough Said.
  • If I keep seeing this type of player in the community at large, I will stop playing. I really wish I could say the words that need to be said, but alas all the children would come out in force and push their grubby little fingers on the report button and turn it all into folly. I disagree with shahualing, you have terrible…
  • You're wrong, I've had the same issue happen to me, one post roughly within 1 min of my last, one single post, not a 2 or 3 post in succession, and I was banned. This should not be possible for people, how the hell do you not understand the gaming community at large in this day and age.... it has SO many players that act…
  • Guys this person doesn't get it, or if he does he's just being funny. Here's a perfect constructive retort for him: They could easily make it so there are multiple chat channels of zone chat(1,2,3, etc) to change to so not everyone is in one chat channel so that it's not stupid to look at zone chat. Make multiple chat…
  • Do what you need to do, but this kid is a ****. Ignorant, idiotic, annoying. ****.
  • They don't have to do anything, and we don't have to like how things are turning out. I'm sorry but I hate when people don't think through something fully before making a decision... it's actually selfish, even with the opposite side of the spectrum asking for more and saying gimme gimme and being selfish. Does the…
  • Key word here, " I don't think I'd like". So, it's been proven that connecting via stories from before, is HUGE, AND, there are ways to incorporate that into the game without alienating the stories/authors and skewing information and ruining stories.... EASY...just time consuming, ah, the real culprit here, lack of…
  • You must be new to MMO's. Go play WoW for a little bit, then come back and say they can't easily fix the situation to allow EITHER invite powers, OR putting someone from que in when you lose someone(you say hey they don't want people to easily be able to finish an instance last boss or quest or daily because of luck? Well,…
  • Incorrect. Just because "YOU'RE" fine with giving money to a beta, doesn't mean everyone else is, and quite frankly, since it's not a valid business model, you're full of it with that statement. Donations? ok. Paying for services? That's launched, end of story. End game released is the "technical full launch" in the eyes…
  • Sorry I don't believe in cookie cutter. Que?
  • You do understand how difficult it is to hit mobs while blocking that are ranged and running all around right? Including the fact that we can't move fast, and have to keep track of moving out of incoming ground attacks...and getting hit from behind from stupid *** imps, etc etc, not so simple, especially if you do not have…
  • I've looked at the power between other gear and the indomitable gear, and there isn't that huge of a difference though. There is Power on the pvp gear, but I am under the protector tier tree due to the fact that I thought when I got gear and was in T2 dungeons and raids, that I would need to be defensive specced.
  • You hit the point succinctly. The game has to be balanced around the class mechanics, and from near all accounts so far it doesn't look well balanced. My opinion won't carry too much weight as I have not done anything beyond a few T1 Dungeons as a Guardian Fighter, but I have read around the forums a bit and found a lot of…
  • I love gateway(it's awesome, sorry if you don't know). Someone mind telling me how to change what I am doing wrong with the Guardian Fighter, because I have only 2.5k~ Power, and I looked at another player and he had 12k......and I have the pvp set and also lvl 60 gear(4 pieces blue) I do not have everything enchanted…
  • Honestly it comes down to you want other people forced to change how they play so that YOU are happy, and of course that's natural in gaming, it's normal. What's not normal nor right is expecting a change that will affect anyone in a huge way just to make yourself happy, and this would be one of those situations. You don't…
  • He's right, there are paywalls, problem is this is a free to play game, it's hard to create a balance between pay to play and pay to win, but anything of more importance, imo, shouldn't cost, and certain luxuries(not including bags in this, I will be damned if I have to pay for bags, and will leave this game in a huffy!)…
  • Is there another post I am missing that is the go-to thread for gateway suggestions? Thinking that's the case, since there is no activity at all going on here.
  • So in nutshell after reading everyone's post, this is Launch, game is live, there are no more character wipes(planned anyways) and you can purchase the game as a Founder, which unlocks more of the game, so therefore is in reality purchasing the game. It's called Open Beta because of two reasons(this is my opinion but I…