The rest of the runestones are trash, fix those. Ignore your player base and they'll all leave, no one wants to work back up to their current stats, there's no progression there.
Telling everyone these changes are fine when you already don't use bondings... if you don't have a dog in the fight, especially as a mod, sit this one out. And it's not just about can you do the content. A lot of us play this game to compare incremental upgrades, to compare our performance against ourselves so we can see…
@nitocris83 You guys better give an update on the status of this, my guild is falling apart. People aren't waiting until the change hits, they're leaving now so they don't do extra work for nothing.
A real thing that just happened, our guild leader stepped down and a bunch of people passed on taking over the guild, myself included. You can't move the goal posts for best in slot out and then simultaneously move the ball back 30 yards. Everyone who knows this change is coming feels they have nothing to work towards…
Why not just add this to the current setup instead of replacing it? 2 quick shores and 2 quick etos could be replaced by POM and Throne, Cragmire Crypts and Grey Wolf Den, turning 20 minutes into an hour, it's not predictable if you have time to max the daily RAD. I'd say keep bonus AD on 1 picked dungeon run at least.
@nitocris83 this nerf basically moves the needle back on player progression to back where a lot of us were on PS4 in November, basically taking away all sense of progression and needing months and months to get back to where we are at now. I don't think a lot of us will stay for that.
Put like that, months of work, dozens of coal wards, hundreds of marks to get back where I'm at right now... it doesn't sound like a lot of fun. And this game is supposed to be fun. Give us options to turn up the game difficulty and rewards instead of turning down the player power, like games like Diablo have. I'm not on…
That is another thing, zeroscarlett, we already have to be a bit picky who we can carry through spellplague, we might not be able to bring the weaker folks through FBI or MSVA any more and they'll be stuck at Castle Never.
This bonding change is terrible, I'd say scrap the whole thing and make the content to the players, not the players to the content. Another thing people haven't mentioned is we'll lose all the debuffs from con artists, dancing shields, ambush drakes, etc. Unbalances AC DCs and Pallys completely, no one will want to take a…
I'd say just make the new content scaled to the players, don't scale the players back. If you start making FBI take an hour, MSPC take an hour and a half, and lostmauth take 35 minutes like it did back when we were all lower ilvl, all sense of progression will be lost and players will just quit, especially if the rewards…
You're oversimplifying to just drop more of the existing high value items, I don't want a 1% chance moved to a 2% chance. Drop stuff so there's stuff in the chest when you open it. Don't drop stuff I can get more of one shotting everything in sharandar. Could be Gmops, Smops, mounts, actually good high level refinement,…
I switched to MoF on my Wizard at the second to last fire as the two SWs were killing stuff before I could walk over to it for AoE attacks, so I figured I'd just debuff them from afar. We were going for the < 6 portal title too which totally cramps my play style as you can't move around and dodge in and out of the red.
Wasted 2 scrolls due to bad fires left, we had to wipe as that weird glitchiness where everyone spawns on top of each other and you're all repelling each other made someone get stuck in the wall. Stood in front of a fire that wasn't really there to break the chain multiple times and died from the DOT.
Ran into this a few more times, she just randomly starts the you've doomed yourselves part in the middle of the fight and one shots everyone, doesn't even have to be a burn group.
I have a hard time getting a full group together for MSPC, most of our guild is playing rocket league until mod 12 because the rewards are so bad for the effort, and if destiny 2 comes out before mod 12 you might be losing a huge portion of the PS4 crowd. While we can't play on preview, we sure monitor it, you need to fix…
Yeah, what would you have them do? Retread old content? Only add new content if it's more powerful according to the old manuals? Only make new content as tough as it should be fitting into the current content? We already hate all the level 60 events where you walk around one-shotting everything.
I don't mind the boss when he acts predictably, it's when he bounces off a mirror he's staring at and it doesn't debuff him I get pissed. Also a few times he's done the jump with no warning, that's BS. I also think it's a terrible mechanic he can knock your companions off, that's why you have to burn him down fast, you…