No one is kidding, many have already explained it to you. Someone bid on your item and you can no longer take it back. When the auction ends it will go to the person that had the highest bid.
Just my top ones: 1-More developed and interactive professions like for example the Crafters Guild. 2-Change the Visuals for GF Knights Valor 3-Personal Housing
In a thread, that at least people were not complaining but just having a bit of fun about Neverwinter. With so many threads already posted about, after so many discussions, was it really necessary to bring that here? Geez.
Who would have thought that epic leather, plate, mail, cloth armor where all made solely of astral diamonds. How do the Harpers maintain their rumours network, they are always just standing there.
Even though you have slaughtered millions, enemy npcs still think they can kill you. Willfred never ges tired of getting killed again and freed again. Xuna never opens that lausy chest Rath Modar never knows how to craft the better gauntlets. I've changed the name plates in the cemetery so many times that i no longer know…
They basicly just ported the Duty Oficer system from STO and called it a day. They gave absolutly no thought if it would fit the setting or if at least it was fun. They showed that they can do it, the black ice is an example of resource gathering and manufacture. They could do something for example like this: The Crafters…
By now i thought they would at least had made different tiers of PVP, with a minimum of 15k gs and the other for the rest. I know it fractions the already not so big PVP comunity, but at least new players wouldn't feel like they are constantly ROFLStomped and learn a thing or two.
The OP has valid point. Why is it harder to get Rare ones when whe can get Very Rare quality simply for free, just by completing a Lair. It makes no sense. I think new ways to get these Rare ones should be developed for example: - Use superior quality ones in place of the inferior quality as a substitue - Merging lesser…
I totally agree with this. I think they have no idea or have tried themselves, to understand the frustration that it is to try and try and try and have absolutly no idea if we are ever going to get it. I think they are heading with the wrong intetions there.
As much as i liked, balancing to me, implies that i had tried all the classes and would understand all the mechanics they entail. The only thing i can help with is bug hunting, and i really apreciate that there are people out there who can do all these calculations and out of the box thinking to solve problems related to…
Completely agree with your entire post. Started to play again after some time away from the game and, to me, it felt like i didn't matter either in dungeons and specially in PVP. I'm not against character progession and better stats for better gear and etc... but gating every single step foward into an RNG and some…