Wouldn't work. We don't get the crazy amount of procs some other classes would get. For instance: SW would likely become the most powerful class in PvP simply because they'd actually do damage from their DoTs now. CW would remain ridiculously powerful and wind up spellstorming everyone to death anyways. TR would just…
Monk! Monk! Monk! Monk! Monk! By the way did I hear someone saying Monk would be the next class? Cause I'd be pretty happy if it was. Wink wink. Indeed my love for Monks in Neverwinter is great enough that if you check out my signature, there's a relatively detailed overview of what a monk might look like in Neverwinter.
SW is pretty much a joke in PvP unless SW abuses the 0 damage bug of course, in which case I'd say the SW can be one of the top classes in PvP. As for the HR, I'd say combat is still moderately playable, and that Archery is still decent in PvE assuming perfect conditions (it's still outdone by most other classes though).…
If you've read the posts, the vast majority of HRs are more than happy to have crushing roots removed, or reworked in return for compensation in other areas such as damage and/or improved dodges, as well as bug fixes. Nobody's denying that there's something wrong with chain cc. In fact that's what most people on this topic…
Personally I dislike Crushing Roots. It honestly doesn't quite feel right when I play my HR. I'd much rather have actual striker level damage, and better overall movement. The main thing that Crushing Roots gives HR in PvE and PvP is time, and survivability. Time isn't necessary if you have damage, which the HR honestly…
They probably assume that Disrupting Shot and Forest Ghost are encounters, due to their easily recoverable AP cost via Master Trapper. The missing 9th encounter is probably your at-wills since a skilled trapper uses them at about the same rate as their other so called "encounters".
I wouldn't mind getting an artifact cloak for PvP, provided I was allowed to switch all my refinement over without penalty. That being said, I'd also like to see an entire PvP artifact set, eg, artifact belt, artifact cloak, and PvP artifact that's not a banner or raven crystal.
To be fair I stopped using Aimed Shot along while ago because of how easy it was to disrupt even when I was under Forest Ghosts effect so. After all even some random damage trigger which I deflect will result in me having to start from the beginning. Instead I've switched over to either running multi shot or CA as my…
First of all, I'll congratulate you on hitting someone with aimed Shot since its practically impossible in PvP. The next thing I'll say is that's highly unlikely in a 1v1 scenario because Aimed Shots damage is at base around, 15-20k without a crit and at level 70. Assuming you crit with a p. Vorpal and the 3rd tier melee…
You can do the levelling content. It's not as easy for you as most of the other classes but its doable so long as the lag doesn't get too bad. Outside of levelling, you're going to have a hard time. Seriously. In dungeons almost everyone will kick you out because a CW or DPS DC, can do your job a couple times better than…
Overall HR is considered to be the... strangest class in Neverwinter. If you're looking for a class which has an extremely high skill cap relative to some of the other classes, HR is likely your thing. Admittedly this is mostly due to the sheer number of bugs which plague the class, from damage loss, to inconsistent…
Barely managed to do it with the old profoud set from PvP. Was extremely taxing both in patience and time though, so I'd recommend upgrading your gear to eternal while you do it for simplicity's sake.
Since it would also be pointless for me not to offer up my own solutions I would suggest one or a combination of the following: Also please note that in some cases the solution suggested would likely cause more trouble than its worth since the rebalancing would take a very long amount of time. 1) Increase the daze duration…
Since everyone seems to be misinterpreting precisely how much is working together in order for a HR to do what they can do, and inserting out of topic items such as personal attacks, here is a comprehensive overview of how this so called Permadaze works. HRs have a paragon feat path called Trapper, which revolves around…
To answer the OP, HRs have a paragon feat path called Trapper, which revolves around cycling through encounters quickly. This is shown most clearly by the two feats, Forestbond and Swiftness of the Fox. Forestbond causes the HRs cooldowns to be reduced by 5% whenever a grasping roots is applied, and stacks based on the…
If you're a trapper, recovery is absolutely useless. Unless of course you miss everyone with your powers, at which point it actually is useful. However you usually do hit your enemy so no need for Recovery. Lostamouth is still good, it's just not overwhelmingly powerful anymore.
HRs are supposed to be fast and mobile. Now without the PvP set bonus I feel so darn sluggish. Also the shifts are not very reliable. The immunity frame sometimes starts somewhere in the middle of the animation making you get hit by things which you think you've dodged, or letting you dodge things you think you got hit by.…
Monk 100% of the way. In fact my enthusiasm for a monk class is enough that I invested tons of time to make a fairly detailed attempt at a monk class which would be fit for Neverwinter Online. If you're interested you can check my signature (SHAMELESS ADVERTISING!).
It's the same deal wit most rank 4 abilities. For instance HRs Aspect of the Lone Wolf's rank 4 lowers deflection by 5% instead of raising it. Likewise with Pathfinder's Action at rank 4, it lowers the bonus given instead of increasing it. All of these were reported on preview. Cryptic simply had too much on their hand to…
Devs said there'd be a large patch on that date, but they haven't revealed any info as to what will be happening on it. Current speculation includes the rest of the missing dungeons, patch fixes, possibly a bit more new content, and some further rebalancing of classes.
Yeah the loss of set bonuses hurts pretty badly. The only reason why my HR was even able to keep up with most other classes when running was because of the PvP set bonus, now I'm going to start lagging behind them the further they run :(
Oh man, first time I went into Sharandar, I died three times against a group of prowries. Three times! Once I can forgive, but three. I blame lag, and excess people flood for it.
They changed it. The information on there is outdated. Forestbond was lowered down to 5% per application of roots precisely because it was so abusable, which your video captures perfectly.
You unlock the quest which gives seals of triumph at level 70. It used to be level 60, but they changed it to match the level cap. Wasn't explained so derp. As for weapons and accessories they haven't been updated in. There's a chance they'll come in with the patch on the 23rd.