Interesting ideas but rather than scaling the skirmishes, only have a few of each, by this I mean having the sane dungeons and skirmishes at every 10 levels or so so you can still fight through and when entering you are just put in you correct lv bracket
i personally think that a level buy system would work, so you have to earn the exp but you spend it on leveling and what not. but hey thats me, just wish they could fix it so if it an active quest you can still run it.
same here, i managed to get just over an hour this morning, but then randomly got disconnected will i was talking to an NPC. and now i cann't even load the game as the launcher keeps getting the same massage "unable to connect to patch server" wish they could fix it so we can play
hi, i downloaded the launcher a couple weeks ago, and have been keeping up with the patches, but today when i tried to jump on it today to play its not even loading the patcher any more. any word on this?