Hmmm, this might take a while... :/ Oh well, leaving in the hands of the guys who get paid to fix it. Thanks Zebular for keeping everyone in the loop B)
Eh, anyone who is VIP12 will stick it out to see that investment through. Of course, the new guys will make fun of them. "Wow, Grandpa! Still talking about 'item level'??? That was like 3 mods ago! It's all 'atomic mass' nowadays!"
My favorite time for a char is between lvl 1 and 20ish. You get significantly more stronger and focused (going up a lvl makes a big difference), lots of times you get drops that are actually useful, and skirmishes are mildly challenging but you have to be asleep at the wheel or in overlapping red zones to ever take any…
It would be much more believable if they added a running count of lockboxes opened ("received an Alabaster Arrow of Improbability after opening 347 lockboxes")
Semi-related... I had my kinect cursor engage at seemingly random times, jump all around the screen as though I was wildly waving my arms around. After a short time, it would settle down and I would go back to normal activity. It took me a while to figure out that the little heater next to my futon has one of those…
Heh, the split screen might be worth checking out. Also good to know the old 360 controllers might have a use still. Speaking of 360, hoping they get to the backwards compatibility release soon. I miss Skyrim and Saints Row 2...
OK, you caught me. It was definitely my low prices on stuff that caused all the economic crisis. Had nothing to do with massive changes to the amounts of available AD, gear changes, refinement mats, all that other irrelevant trivia. I can stop doing the undercutting and get everything back on track in no time, so sorry for…
Thanks! I really feel like that will go a long ways in keeping the dialog more positive if people get a better sense of what is happening (and help to remind them of the presence of real people on the other end) :p
I say this because if someone was not aware and went to the website to see what was going on, the official site directed them to the twiiter and facebook feeds. Both of which, as stated, were pretty lean on actually updating people. I get it if you don't want to throw a lot of manpower at maintaining a social media…
Well, yeah it is pretty unlikely. But It would be interesting to see what happens after the immediate furor dies down and some longer term effects start kicking in. People are going to have a lot different earning power and spending habits, so who knows what the actual money maker will be...
I am primarily a solo PVE player and have over a dozen toons doing leadership for AD. (Nowhere near the limit of 50 character slots though). With the long load screen times it is easily an hour to cycle through all alts and assign tasks, collect rewards, and convert RAD. After all that, on a Good day I might have just…
Just to chime in as OP, wanted to make it clear that I never actually thought there was any ill intent here (smiley emoji are not exactly as clear as tone of voice or facial expressions...) just thought it was kind of unexpected and funny to get a "hurry and renew before your VIP expires" message when I have almost a year…
Wonder if they could do something like their competitors do and let you disable certain visual effects to allow for low quality connections? I had played that other MMO on Low-res settings and got a major framerate boost on some highly populated areas. I would gladly sacrifice a little sparkle or shimmer in a tough area if…