STO uses dilithium instead of AD, and they do have lock boxes as well. currently, the lock box offers a slim chance at two different T6 Cardassian/Dominion ships. Fun game on the pc, slightly watered down for the console, but still enjoyable. I give STO on console a 3.5- 4 out of 5.
I like it, Not so much for the Rewards, which are nice of course, but as for the nostalgia. Reminds me of those old Traps books from my AD&D days. Like this one, good ole Grimtooth.
Sadly , It was just a promo event for the first few weeks of the game. If it helps, the Companion should still be available if you linked your arc account to the PS4.
a druid thief, that sounds awesome. I was always the DM so I fully empathize with what you say, when you discuss keeping them grounded. I loved me some 2nd edition as well, and would probably had kept up with the old gaming group, had I not joined the Marines, in 86. Well I say that, but we did have a few games when I was…
I think @ravenskya is correct here. Shoot, I grew up with 1st edition myself (grumpy old man here) , and I remember when the gold box games came out, and was impressed with how close they got to the rule set. As for classes, A druid would be awesome. Not sure, but do they still have psionics in the latter versions of the…
Again, i wanted to express how much I have been enjoying these videos. I know you play a Warlock, and was wondering if you could point me to some vids about a prot pally? If not ,that's all good. I just figured you to be the one in the know. I'm seriously thinking of leveling my third toon as a lock myself. that just looks…