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What is the Arc Client?
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  • Got the nose sticking out of the helmet on my toon too.
    in Helmet Issue Comment by eyepah May 2013
  • I'm only a lvl 36 GF, but I think threat is working as intended. You are probably suppose to feel your in a fight and not just looking at health bars, and not standing in the fire. You are suppose to have a over whelming feeling that monsters keep comming at you. And the DPS have to do everything they can to kill of the…
  • I played all classed except TR to level 10. And if you compare health pots used... - Cleric. Steamrolling through everything. People need pots? - CW. Used one potion, but **** that was a lot of teleporting around. - GF. Used 2 pots but one was right before I turned the corner and found a fireplace. Picked this class to…
  • Killed this mad dragon on my 5th try today. It did not help to get groups with no clearics in 2 of those. Only tips I have are: - GF points the dragon away from the group (else DPS will get hit by too much aoe). Try and mark up on him the whole time. It's quite a lot of side-moving away from that frontal cones and the…
  • Have no problem with downloading. But I might add a related firewall issue here I guess. Every patch my firewall (Sygate Personal Firewall) needs me to verify the updated .exe files. But launching this game it goes to the loading screen before I can do that. And then it's stuck there. Can't alt+tab, ctrl+esc or…