@"bicyclops#3731" This is on ps4 please fix as soon as possible. 1.Tyranical Curse does not effect Trex, KOS heroic, TO9G bosses(was told), and hunt bosses. It just consumes the TC and you just waste it. 2. Crabs in Chult can't be marked by Warlocks.
@asterdahl Can we look into the SW killing flames power? I get a 1/4 of damage to actual lvl 73 enemies then what I get to the (left) lvl 73 dummy in chult.. I think it might be getting mitigated as well.
PS4: Fiery bolt will randomly fly through enemy's and not do damage. I don't think any weapon enchants work with killing flames. If someone can help test this as well. I get same damage with/without a trans dread and trans vorpal.
Ps4 Scourage Warlock fiery bolt bugged Annimation messes up causing it to hit your companion instead. It also won't damage targets when this happends. 1 out 4 times hitting fiery bolt it will finally damage targets need fixed asap.