I have similar issue. Usually when I'm in party I frequently become disconnected while changing map. It almost never happens if I'm changing location solo.
Totally agree with @ilithyn. Tried Prewiev, and game has completly different playstyle and mechanics comparing to all previous years of it. And it seems even more unbalanced than before.
The post is not about winning a lottery. If you pay enough attention you'll see that system is telling about win of epic quality, but there is only rare. Happened to me several times also with new lockbox. This is in contrast what devs told in Maze Engine description in patch section: Rewards When opening items that show a…
As for me game is dying. New mod didn't introduced significant changes to revive it. Despite some new things generally game is not revarding, I don't feel same exitement like in first 3 modes. Now everything is boring repeatable grinding and to get some significant buffs you need to be a member of the guild. Most of…
At the beginning every class had at least 4 armour sets with different bonuses, now we have none or two with same bonus. Less variety, more grinding, almost everything is BoP. I know this is not a Diablo-type game, but more variety in armour and weapon bonuses would be welcome.
Actually I even cannot login into the game. So my vision of Ragnarok in this game is a big black cloud spreading over Protectors Enclave. When it'll fill the monitor you'll see a phrase blinking: Loading, please wait ......
Other thing I noteced is when Soul Puppet starts to behave passively also burning spirits refuse to attack an enemy. It happend several times with eLOL Twin Scorpions.
I also encountered this bug with "Invincible" boss. We killed all mobs around him and filled the brazier as was mentioned so notification appeared that we can kill the boss, but he was still invincible. Maybe this is random, I only tried it once so far.
I've contacted Customer Support about this issue, however there reaction was exactly like Zebularsat the beginning, before he understanded what we all talking about. Below is responce from Customer Support
Zebular as moderator closed my thread "Misleading description of Astral Deva" not paying attention to details in it. He even placed some screenshots telling that everything is in the same place as before. But if he checked them he will notice that in his Damaran Sepherd after Active bonus we can see clearly: Affects…
Same is true for MC. Same loot in the chest (not only epic gear but also shards) in about 10 runs. And for example one person in our team sad he'd got about 10 Invokers at VT, cause loot was the same.
Have to check this relation of text to chest's status, but definitely a lot of runs for me and my teammates ended up with locked chests after patch and introduction of CTA.
I don't buy your version of D&D. In most cases (fictional or not) war expeditions even if they have other goals have loot in mind. As you mentioned "rest for the vendors". In random party you cannot completly trust in honesty of others. I've met full spectrum of behavior, from sharing AD from selling loot with stranger or…
And a little bit off topic. If it is not possible to change loot system maybe developers could give us an option to tag player's account as for exemple "like or dislike player" (which could be visible only to player which put tags). This could help to decide if we want to be in the same party with this person. This could…
Of course you can choose need run, however I have a feeling that with introduction of Mode3 it is much harder to find a group for DD. So you have to decide to run with "greed" or at all. Maybe you have plenty of guild members to run with but as I pointed out it could be more complicated for smaller guilds. I don't like the…
I'm really starting to believe that accounts have some hidden luck roll, cause always some people reported getting several rare loots after only several runs while others none after hundreds. Even in dungeons when greed roll occured my avatars are rather likely to win some kind of items and not others.
Thank you bioshrike for your polite comment, it helps a lot. If you check my thread it was more about introducing percentage bonus for zero as zebular mentioned previously. I've told about not noticing any perceptible difference in control/control resistance exactly because I couldn't measure it another way. If you could…