im not reinstalling game for your stuff ups, internet data costs money instead you lot need to get all my purchases refunded and im going to the ACC as this a major failure on your part and im entiled to refunds
sent ticket no reply this game has become unplayable now. I get chased down in iwd pvp due to bad lag easy kill , timat so many lag deaths I didn't hit one thing kept going over edge and dead, thought I was targeting enemy only to find seconds later im attacking a tree and then killed and attacking enemys that have god…
the random group I was in didn't know how to use the crystals to lower shield ,so they just kept attacking and telling me to help. I don't know how they got so far, 2 of them where in Portobello hats. I finally got 1 player to use the crystals 10 mins later only to have spam im getting reported for afk, not impressed.