Haha please explain to me how would I played the wrong class if my paladin can out dps some players out there in similar gear, surely you are jesting :D
I gonna side with this guy here. No problem dpsing and healing in a group though, but solo-ing now just takes a little teeny bit longer for me. I would imagine those with lower than level 70 people feel, perhaps like forever ?
Gensai, because this mod currently is about elemental evil, we'll need some good elemental humanoids to battle evil. Unless you're saying about the next mod, then it should align with whatever associated storyline.
I would prefer if they only fix the lag or bugs and just leave the feats and trees alone. Else that would wreck people's build, I dont think they give out respecs a lot. And prism does makes a lot of sense in justice tree because it simply more than a healing sharing feat. Majority has yet to grasp its true power.
It's slightly more powerful than everyone's imagination, I'll leave you guys think about it. No more arguments from me. Maybe with luck I can show you how it works in pvp or pve or whatever that takes damage. And if it's worthless to anyone, then maybe they should buff it up and I will welcome that change.
Nope, im the only healer. Though it does work even better with another cleric or GF. Maybe its those rank 10 enchantments helping out, regardless I believe they will tweak difficulty easier.
Strangely I had more fun on a devotion paladin than a protection one, maybe its the dps and combat part which was traded for tempt hp and taunting. Back to topic I have no issues on Epic Temple of Spiders, perhaps because I'm fully focused on damage while hit points and defense are secondary. Unless the pug party is weak,…